View Full Version : Lindsay Lohan is riding Saudi Prince's al-dik

Whitey Ford
10-30-2019, 04:20 PM
Inside Lindsay Lohan’s Bizarre Friendship With Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman
The actress’ father says his daughter has a “platonic and respectful” friendship with the unpredictable Saudi royal.
Platonic? Yeah, right. Also been seen in public with the sandnigger handbook, the quran.

Lindsay Lohan has may qualities, but, let’s be honest, she has never been noted for her impeccable judgment.

Even by Lohan’s standards, one cannot help but wonder what the party-hearty former child star, who until recently ran a bar on a Greek island for an MTV reality show, could see in the billionaire potentate Mohammed bin Salman.

Indeed, ever since rumors first started to emerge of a friendship between Lilo and MBS—reports claimed they’ve become text buddies and that the Saudi ruler has been flying the actress around the world by private jet and even gave her a gift-wrapped credit card—students of Hollywood-Middle Eastern relations have wrestled with the question of what their after-dinner chats might comprise.


10-30-2019, 04:28 PM
This little whore is as dirty as any Muslim for even holding the Koran. What could Prince Cameljock ever see in her Arby's roast beef? Maybe he wants them dirty, like Nigger Woods.

10-30-2019, 05:56 PM
Lindsay Lohan? :lol A completely degenerate, druggie punching bag with really bad plastic surgery. She looks in the perfect shape now for the new man in her life.


10-31-2019, 10:25 AM
Did they chop off her clitoris like they always do?
Did they put a giant garbage bag over her?
And finally, did they beat the shit out of her for ________? Fill in the blank.

10-31-2019, 12:39 PM
Wait, I thought she only swims at the "Y" nowadays. Don't they publicly stone you for that shit on planet dune?

10-31-2019, 02:44 PM
Wait, I thought she only swims at the "Y" nowadays.

Maybe you're thinking of Miley Cyrus, who is now a lesbian? It's hard to keep all these skanky whores straight though.

11-01-2019, 12:34 AM
Maybe she'll wind up in the same harem as Sinead O'Conner.

Cat fur allergic
11-01-2019, 12:39 AM
Money doesn't buy taste. Too much nigger blood in them. This is what happens when you pollute your genes with nigger slaves. Remember the middle east was very advance once. Than they went ass backwards etc....They !@#$ their slaves and free their half breed kids and it went on and on etc...
Don't F your farm equipment.

Cracka Jack
11-01-2019, 08:13 AM
Another Disney child star gone completely off the rails. Seems to be a trend there.

Mentat of House Atreides
11-01-2019, 09:06 AM
Maybe you're thinking of Miley Cyrus, who is now a lesbian? It's hard to keep all these skanky whores straight though.


11-01-2019, 09:13 AM
Maybe you're thinking of Miley Cyrus, who is now a lesbian? It's hard to keep all these skanky whores straight though.

Damn straight on that one.

Lindsay, however, came out years ago with Samantha Ronson then later said she wasn't really a lesbian. That shit don't fly especially for guys.

Lindsay is what hardcore lesbians refer to as a "tourist." One who has a girls of summer type fling then goes back to whatever.

11-01-2019, 10:02 AM
Lindsay, however, came out years ago with Samantha Ronson then later said she wasn't really a lesbian.

Oh, right. Washed-up has-been slags do that (or take up with cRappers)to try and get back in the public eye since homosexuality and nigger-lving is "IN". Anne Heche did that with Ellen DeGenerate for a while before going back to men. I guess it's better than hooking up with niggers. I guess...