View Full Version : Nigger Bitch get her door toilet papered in a college dorm. Now the Nogs say this is a racist noose incident

10-22-2019, 01:24 AM
Only the niggers can turn a little toilet paper on her door, into another racist flap.

Iyana Cobbs, a student living in MSU's Bryan Hall, reported what she calls a noose made out of toilet paper that someone put on her room's door.

MSU Police and Residential and Hospitality Services responded and spoke with student residents who admitted to taping the toilet paper up in the hall as part of a Halloween prank, according to information provided by MSU spokesperson Emily Guerrant.

The students said the decoration was not meant to "offend anyone or denote any racial bias and were not intended to resemble a noose," according to Guerrant.

SC Anemia
10-22-2019, 10:24 AM
9426 A noose? :facepalm

10-22-2019, 10:58 AM
I commented on the Detroit Nigger Free Press Facebook article with this and the nigger loving liberal pukes at Facespook gave me another 30 Day ban

Blacks rob, rape and murder whites everyday on the streets. They commit 95% of inter-racial crimes
----Don't talk about that, you rayshist!
Black co-ed gets toilet paper put on her door!
-----If you are not outraged, you're a rayshist!
Detroit is a crime ridden hole but yeah, this is horrible.
The truth is hate speech!

White Orchid
10-22-2019, 11:42 PM
Bet this will end up being a nigger hoax too.

Oh, and reverse racism doesn't exist? BULLSHIT.