View Full Version : Your tax dollahs at work

10-19-2019, 06:28 PM
You might want to get a second job. These niggers are expensive.

This Sec8 sow, her hoe daughter with a couple of sprogs and her bucklets are living on your taxes.

She now lives in California, and she bragged she's in a "Beautiful 5-bedroom, 3-bathroom, 3900sq ft house" for 389$ a month. You are paying the rest of it.


10-19-2019, 06:39 PM
You might want to get a second job. These niggers are expensive.

This Sec8 sow, her hoe daughter with a couple of sprogs and her bucklets are living on your taxes.

She now lives in California, and she bragged she's in a "Beautiful 5-bedroom, 3-bathroom, 3900sq ft house" for 389$ a month. You are paying the rest of it.


California, are you sick of CUCK boy gavin newsome yet??

Cracka Jack
10-19-2019, 06:47 PM

10-19-2019, 06:53 PM
I have no link. This is from an episode of Judge Judy I just watched.

Cracka Jack
10-19-2019, 06:55 PM
Kind of thought that from the pic. Filthy GD niggers!!!!

Hope the "judge" sentenced it to fifty lashes while tied to the whipping post.

10-19-2019, 07:07 PM
JJ does not approve of niggers who are leeching off the taxpayers and gave this sow nothing.

10-19-2019, 07:22 PM
My utility bills for water/sewer/gas/electric are about $450 a month... Oh and property tax around $850 a month. That does not include the mortage I recently signed and my house is a little more than half that size. Fucking niggers...

Fucking liberals too... Property costs in this area have literally skyrocketed in the last 10 years.

White Orchid
10-19-2019, 09:54 PM
JJ does not approve of niggers who are leeching off the taxpayers and gave this sow nothing.

GOOD. They deserve nothing.

10-19-2019, 10:28 PM
They are pushing a bill here in Marylandschtaad, to up the ante on section 8 vouchers to $3,000 per month.
That's about what you'd pay on a $400,000 mortgage!
Let that sink in.

10-19-2019, 11:35 PM
They are pushing a bill here in Marylandschtaad, to up the ante on section 8 vouchers to $3,000 per month.
That's about what you'd pay on a $400,000 mortgage!
Let that sink in.

Pretty much. Depending on your interest rate and property tax you could easily cover a 30 year mortgage payment with that. Then they could get their welfare and McJobs and in a year be making the same as someone who is working a skilled job. Then again niggers would have zero to put down so they would need more to cover those raysis property taxes.

10-20-2019, 10:24 AM
You aren't just paying for the sows and their sprogs either. The niggers will sneak their whole damned fambly into these homes so you're paying for their lazy bucks too. This sec8 is supposed to be used so niggers have a roof over their nappy heads, not so they can live in luxurious surroundings. They always seem proud to announce, "I'm Section 8" and have the gall to sue landlords for more gibs. "Ah feels he should hafta pay mah moving expenses!" With the kind of accommodations they're given, what incentive do they have to get a damned job and pay their own rent?

10-20-2019, 12:15 PM
This sec8 is supposed to be used so niggers have a roof over their nappy heads

There is a place called prison where niggers can have a roof over their heads. Even free food and all the muh dik they can ever want. I think it is why they like prison so much.

10-20-2019, 12:19 PM
damn it pays to be a bum.
I'm paying $2000 a month in the form of a mortgage.