View Full Version : Multiple women accusing Cuba No-good Jr of non-consensual muh dik activity

Whitey Ford
10-19-2019, 04:20 AM
A previously unknown case against Cuba Gooding, Jr. was unearthed by TMZ. Apparently, the actor was accused of grabbing a woman's butt at a party in Los Angeles sometime this year. The unidentified woman filed a police report and once the cops investigated, they turned the case over to the LA City Attorney with charges of misdemeanor sexual battery.

Newly revealed court documents allege that Cuba Gooding, Jr. asked a stranger to "sit on [his] face and pee in [his] mouth" after groping her.

The actor is facing charges two counts of forcible touching and two counts of third-degree sex abuse from a pair of women. Page Six shared the account of another woman, told via prosecutors in court documents filed on Tuesday. The documents say that Gooding "placed his hand inside the woman’s blouse and squeezed her bare breast while he stated, in substance, ‘Sit on my face, pee in my mouth.’”

This new accusation brings the total number of women who have accused Gooding up to 14. The Associated Press reports that as many as 12 of them could testify against Gooding, in the hopes of establishing a pattern that would lend credibility to the stories of the two accusers Gooding is currently facing in court.


Cracka Jack
10-19-2019, 06:36 AM
But..but...but... I thought he was supposed to be one of the GOOD ones?!?!?


10-19-2019, 11:00 AM


He beez da new bill cosby n' sheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeit!!

SC Anemia
10-19-2019, 11:12 AM
I'm all for the benefit of the doubt but when it comes to niggers and muh-dik, instantly guilty. No doubt about it. Every single time.

10-19-2019, 11:45 AM
That might be a good nog for the dead pool... It's always the obscure groids that seem to check out.
After a couple of 40's and a joint, that cross eyed ape probably has a telephone pole with his name written on it. Lol

10-19-2019, 02:31 PM
I'm all for the benefit of the doubt

Personally, this "Me Too" witch hunt stuff makes me sick, but yeah, when it comes to niggers it's always true. They can't help themselves. Muh Dik is always at the forefront in their tiny little minds.

10-19-2019, 03:27 PM
I read an article from prominent scientists saying blacks Niggers are approximately 50 Thousand years behind the rest of the earths population (aka) humans in evolution.

I have no problem believing that. No matter how much education they're given or how much money or what veener of civilization they may acquire, they have zero impulse control and their first reaction to any obstacle is always violence and/or muh dik. They really can't help it, which is why they had to be controlled by human beings. We're seeing the results of that control being removed by Libtards, political correctness and SJWs - mayhem and devastation of every Western country they invade.

Cracka Jack
10-19-2019, 07:06 PM
It's ingrained into their DNA..... I read an article from prominent scientists saying blacks Niggers are approximately 50 Thousand years behind the rest of the earths population (aka) humans in evolution. Let that one sink in for a nano second and it explains niggers criminal, muh-dickary behavior.

They're a completely different species. In 500 million years they will still be niggers. There is ZERO human component in ANY of them.

They lack the neanderthal genes, which every race of humans on Earth possess.

And they are the product of Satan's asshole. :lol

10-19-2019, 07:39 PM
Personally, this "Me Too" witch hunt stuff makes me sick, but yeah, when it comes to niggers it's always true. They can't help themselves. Muh Dik is always at the forefront in their tiny little minds.

That is often how I feel as well but I can't help but not give a shit about either party in this case. Especially the liberal men who would point the finger at Trump or other conservative men. Pot calling the kettle black... Most of those ladies in this sense decided to "grin and bear it". Because even though they were uncomfortable, they chose a lofty career advancement over their dignity. Now that it is trendy, they decide it is time to get their name out there. It is sickening to see it when there are real victims out there that wont get their story ever told who really had no choice in what happened to them. They have to suffer it with nobody there for them.

Sorry If I get a little testy about this subject. I don't want to sound like a whiney soy boy but... When I was in the military I knew someone who got raped ( by a nigger) while I was the senior guy on watch. My roving patrol (also a nigger) decided he was going to do his watch from a tv room while it happened and radio in like he was making his rounds. If he had been doing his rounds, he would have seen the door to the outside propped open and the girl passed out right in her doorway. To this day I do not know if he was in on it. But I do know even now I could never look that woman in the face.

10-19-2019, 07:43 PM
It's ingrained into their DNA..... I read an article from prominent scientists saying blacks Niggers are approximately 50 Thousand years behind the rest of the earths population (aka) humans in evolution. Let that one sink in for a nano second and it explains niggers criminal, muh-dickary behavior.

Witch Doctor, would you happen to know the title of the paper, and/or the authors? I'd like to read it. Very much interested in science. Now libs call it pseudoscience, but what I see about blacks/niggers, I'm 100% sure it's real science.

I've read that "Bell Curve" book in the 90s. I've no doubt niggers are less than human.
50,000 year separation is GENEROUS. I'd say they're more like H. erectus. I've always maintained that in a million years, They would still be niggers. Why so? They've been given all the breaks and they still can't talk straight. Really a failed nonhuman species.

OK niggers, prove me wrong. Lets see u upgrade yourselves in 100 years. You were freed in 1865, over a hundred years ago. But you all still act like savage lower primates.

10-19-2019, 08:46 PM
Now that it is trendy, they decide it is time to get their name out there. It is sickening to see it when there are real victims out there that wont get their story ever told who really had no choice in what happened to them. They have to suffer it with nobody there for them.

This is a touchy subject but I feel that as a woman who has had more than my share of sexual harassment I just have to say that most of this stuff is utter bullshit. So I willingly to to a man's hotel room and let him grope me or I have sex with him in hopes it will result in having a brilliant career. "Oh, poor me! I didn't know what was happening when he touched me and took my clothes off!" It's a deal I made, but now that I am a has-been or never-was I can get back in the public eye with these ridiculous accusations. It's also a handy way to get even with someone in a way he cannot defend or refute. Accusation is all that's needed now for a verdict of "Guilty"? Since when? Oh, right - since white, hetero men have been turned into "toxic masculinity" monsters who can be tried and found guilty by hysterical Tumbler and Twitter lesbians and other right-wing nutcases. Even if there is no proof, their careers are ruined.

As Catharine Deneuve said (and got attacked for it): "Rape is a crime. Making awkward or persistent passes is not."

Of course, all this is in context of human beings. I do not categorize niggers there and considering the coddling and nigger-loving in effect now, I have no doubt that any nigger accused of anything sexual is guilty. No one would dare falsely accuse a nigger of anything.

Cracka Jack
10-20-2019, 07:00 AM
Everyone seems to be overlooking the fact that it's a down-low nigger. I'd be willing to bet on that.

10-20-2019, 10:41 PM
It's ingrained into their DNA..... I read an article from prominent scientists saying blacks Niggers are approximately 50 Thousand years behind the rest of the earths population (aka) humans in evolution. Let that one sink in for a nano second and it explains niggers criminal, muh-dickary behavior.

That, an undeveloped frontal lobe, extra testosterone and a sense of entitlement along with an 85 IQ (at best) and you have the perfect explanation as to why NIGGERS are serial MUH DIKers.

Cat fur allergic
10-21-2019, 11:12 AM
Modern Woke women love the nigger snake.

10-25-2019, 01:46 PM
And they are the product of Satan's asshole. :lol