View Full Version : Niggerlovers Demand Amazon Ring Surveillance End Local Police Partnerships Because They 'Racially Profile'

Whitey Ford
10-15-2019, 02:44 PM
30 Civil Rights Organizations Demand Amazon Ring Surveillance End Local Police Partnerships Because They Racially Profile (Show Non-Whites Committing Crime)

We wouldn't want those poor niggers to be caught in the act. LOL


Beyond these concerns, an expanding network of Ring surveillance has other impacts on communities, including giving people the false sense that crime is on the rise in an area, even as crime rates nationwide are declining. Ring’s Neighbors can also disproportionately affect people of color by exacerbating existing biases: Racism and racial profiling have proliferated on the app.

“With no oversight and accountability, Amazon’s technology creates a seamless and easily automated experience for police to request and access footage without a warrant, and then store it indefinitely,” they wrote. “In the absence of clear civil liberties and rights-protective policies to govern the technologies and the use of their data, once collected, stored footage can be used by law enforcement to conduct facial recognition searches, target protesters exercising their First Amendment rights, teenagers for minor drug possession, or shared with other agencies like ICE or the FBI.”


10-17-2019, 09:48 PM
or shared with other agencies like ICE or the FBI.”

Here's the real reason they don't want it used.

10-18-2019, 10:40 PM
I guess cameras in ATM machines, convenience stores, and liquor stores will be next.


10-19-2019, 12:05 PM
I guess cameras in ATM machines, convenience stores, and liquor stores will be next.


You can count on it. Pretty much everything to do with facial recognition is also racist. These nigger lovers are basically proving the point they are insisting is false. That niggers really do commit 5 times more crime than even the closest second which is YT, who is 5 times their population percentage. But somehow, YT is the problem.

SC Anemia
10-19-2019, 12:42 PM
I think Ring doorbells are awesome. My daughter has one. I go out to lunch and dinner with her often and have seen her get real-time video notification on her phone. That's some great anti-nigger technology there!

10-19-2019, 06:08 PM
The fact that niggers commit tons more crimes than anyone else never seems to be a problem with those cunts and cucks

Cat fur allergic
10-21-2019, 10:16 AM
I like my freedom of not getting murder or rape or shit stolen from.
Camera's are like nigger/criminal poison, its hard for them to do business.