View Full Version : Great Idea, Bro! Forbes recommends 'young, solo female travelers' to backpack through.....pakistan

Whitey Ford
10-14-2019, 05:31 PM

The comments on this are priceless! LOL


10-14-2019, 06:57 PM
Good idea, if your dream vacation includes being robbed, raped, murdered and thrown into a ditch.

10-14-2019, 07:19 PM
^^ So, yeah. You're right.

'I was raped, starved and kept as a prisoner': How an Australian woman, 30, travelled to Pakistan to meet the man of her dreams... only for him to lock her up, force Islam upon her and abuse her daily

I guess meeting the man of her dreams didn't work out so great. Maybe she should have tried backpacking through Somalia instead.


10-14-2019, 08:23 PM
It never ceases to amaze me that a woman would be a traitor to her race to rut with a fucking sand nigger? Do they not know how to smile, talk to a human or at least go to a hillbilly bar and tell someone she likes she wants to fuck? God help this country!

10-14-2019, 09:11 PM
You'd be lucky to wind up in the ditch. :lol

These sand niggers treat GOATS better than women!!

10-14-2019, 09:34 PM
It never ceases to amaze me that a woman would be a traitor to her race to rut with a fucking sand nigger? Do they not know how to smile, talk to a human or at least go to a hillbilly bar and tell someone she likes she wants to fuck? God help this country!

This is what puzzles me. There's so many regular decent fellows out there, but a woman would knowingly mate with a nigger or sand nigger? OK, if one is liberal, then meet other people from other states, but not non-human apes or Islamic savages.

10-14-2019, 10:24 PM
There's so many regular decent fellows out there, but a woman would knowingly mate with a nigger or sand nigger?

If you ever find out the answer to that, post it here because I really need to know. A lot of things women do make me embarrassed to be of the same sex. When I was in Barbados, there was a nigger buck on the beach wearing a Speedo and flexing his muscles and posing. There were maybe 5 white women fawning over him. It was disgusting but make me think that's why they were there - specifically to bed niggers and then go back to their regular lives.

10-15-2019, 08:57 AM
Women dating niggers and sand niggers aren't necessarily doing it because they can't get a normal guy. They could if they worked on their personality. They are doing it because of mental disorder know as liberalism that makes it almost impossible. They think it is trendy to sleep with niggers. This goes the same for drillers as well. They have severe self esteem or daddy issues. They have an inner need to rebel and a desperate need to prove how diverse they are. Any woman who is stupid enough to go alone to that country deserves how that country's men will treat her. It isn't about it being wrong anymore at that point. It is about poking the lion with a stick and daring him not to rip your face off.

10-15-2019, 10:39 AM
They think it is trendy to sleep with niggers.

For sure that's part of it. I used to work with a woman named Judy, who one day was talking about her sex adventures with some nigger. I didn't say anything so she asked me, "What - you never had sex with a "black guy?" Of course I said "NO" so she adds, "Oh, you should!" Not frickin' likely.

But trendy doesn't explain the women - and not always ugly, trashy hambeasts - who then marry their niggers and have a bunch of sprogs with them.