View Full Version : Nigdar: niglet kidnapped in front of all the other niggers

10-13-2019, 04:11 PM
Bet heavily it was kidnapped for muh dikk, which it wouldn't be unfamiliar with anyway.

Authorities said Kamille “Cupcake” McKinney was kidnapped Saturday evening in Birmingham by a man and a woman who may have been strangers to the child. The Amber Alert said the little girl was “believed to be in extreme danger.”

Kamille was outside playing with other children when she was abducted. Police responded to Tom Brown Village, a public housing project, after the kidnapping, around 8:30 p.m.

A man and a woman in an SUV were said to have driven away with the girl after the man got out and grabbed Kamille, the paper reported. The witness was an 11-year-old boy.

The SUV could have been a Toyota 4-Runner with rims and a “peanut butter brown” protruding bumper, the paper reported.


SC Anemia
10-13-2019, 05:24 PM
Bet heavily it was kidnapped for muh dikk, which it wouldn't be unfamiliar with anyway.

Nignapped at a public housing project. Yup, there'll be some muh-dik involved. Niggers dont ransom niglets, ever. Nobody would pay anyway.

I'll give you all day to find a story where a niglet was kidnapped, ransom paid and the niglet returned.

10-13-2019, 05:44 PM
Probably the baby daddy, wanting to get rid of the niglet so he won't have to pay child support.

Got some "raycist" in the comments;

Has anyone checked the zoo to see if she was dropped off there. A little case of mistaken identity.

10-13-2019, 05:46 PM
Nignapped at a public housing project. Yup, there'll be some muh-dik involved. Niggers dont ransom niglets, ever. Nobody would pay anyway.

I'll give you all day to find a story where a niglet was kidnapped, ransom paid and the niglet returned.

I've got a better chance of winning the Florida lotto than that happening!!

Whitey Ford
10-24-2019, 03:17 AM
Niglet found dead in a dumpster.
Kamille ‘Cupcake’ McKinney’s body found in dumpster


Remains confirmed to be those of Kamille “Cupcake” McKinney, abducted 10 days ago from a Birmingham birthday party, were found by police and FBI agents Tuesday night inside of a dumpster at a landfill.

The discovery marked a tragic end to a massive search that has kept Birmingham, and all of Alabama, on edge for nearly two weeks.

The Birmingham Police Department, along with the FBI, found Kamille’s remains inside of a Santek dumpster that had been parked in the Center Point area and later moved to a landfill near Warrior. An autopsy performed Wednesday led to the positive identification as Kamille. She was pronounced dead at 5:16 p.m. at Santek Waste Services of Alabama on Barber Blvd., which is the old Mt. Olive landfill. Her cause of death has not been released.


10-24-2019, 10:37 AM
So much carrying on over this with the governor and massive search and all that. Niggers kill their own sprogs all the time and no one say sa word. What difference does it make if it was two strange niggers who bumped off the niglet? One less future breeder in the "Projects".

SC Anemia
10-24-2019, 10:50 AM
Niglet found dead in a dumpster.

Good find Whitey!

Her cause of death has not been released.

What do you think happened? What usually happens when a mini sow is abducted? Yup, sure enough.

Stallworth, who was back in police custody Tuesday, was previously charged with four counts of possession of child pornography and three counts of possession of child pornography with intent to distribute.



SC Anemia
10-24-2019, 10:53 AM
Bet heavily it was kidnapped for muh dikk, which it wouldn't be unfamiliar with anyway.

You called it Sandman! See above ^^^^

You know the funny part? Read this....

“It only takes a split second,” Smith said in the news conference. “We can no longer assume that everyone is a part of the village that is trying to raise the child.”

Wait a minute, wasn't there some house niggers talking about villages and raising chiles not too many years ago?


10-24-2019, 01:37 PM
Stallworth, who was back in police custody Tuesday, was previously charged with four counts of possession of child pornography and three counts of possession of child pornography with intent to distribute.

This catch-and-release nigger program needs to be revised, I guess.

wasn't there some house niggers talking about villages and raising chiles not too many years ago?

Considering the trail of abused and dead niglets, I guess that didn't work out so well for Michael.

10-24-2019, 09:41 PM
So much carrying on over this with the governor and massive search and all that. Niggers kill their own sprogs all the time and no one say sa word. What difference does it make if it was two strange niggers who bumped off the niglet? One less future breeder in the "Projects".

My sentiments, EXACTLY!!

10-25-2019, 01:40 PM
You called it Sandman! See above ^^^^

It really isn't hard with niggers. Assume the absolute worst, most depraved things that for humans would take a Charles Manson or Ted Bundy, because with niggers you'll be right every time.

Whitey Ford
10-25-2019, 07:36 PM
Further UPDATE: The niglet was suffocated to death.

Three-year-old Kamille 'Cupcake' McKinney was suffocated on the same day she was abducted, cops reveal, as the two suspects in her slaying appear in court to face capital murder charges

Patrick Devone Stallworth, 39, and Derick Irisha Brown, 29, were charged on Thursday with capital murder in Kamille 'Cupcake' McKinney's death
Authorities revealed Kamille died of asphyxiation on the same day she was abducted in Birmingham, Alabama on October 11
Police found her body this week in a dumpster at a county landfill
Both suspects appeared in court on Friday for a brief hearing where Stallworth told the judge he didn't know why he was being charged
Attorneys for Stallworth and Brown have denied involved in the child's death


SC Anemia
10-25-2019, 07:50 PM
Authorities revealed Kamille died of asphyxiation

DAMMIT! I hate being wrong so I'm still going to cling to some weird, muh-dik going on. Oh I know!! She was asphyxiated with a dik.

Seriously though, NO WAY the little turd was grabbed by this pair, one with a rich history of sex offenses and there wasn't some dik involved some way.

12-11-2019, 10:14 PM
It was drugged up, too. And we called it, the kidnapping groids were looking for easy muh dikk.

An autopsy found that the body of Kamille "Cupcake" McKinney, the 3-year-old Alabama girl who was found dead in a dumpster after she was kidnapped from a birthday party, was given methamphetamine and a sedative before she was murdered, according to reports.

Prosecutors stated Tuesday during a preliminary hearing for Patrick Stallworth, 39, that he and his girlfriend, Derick Brown, 29, used candy to lure Kamille away from the birthday party on Oct. 12 and kidnap her, ABC Birmingham affiliate WBMA reported.

Birmingham Police detective Jonathan Ross testified that he spoke to a 10-year-old at the birthday party who said he saw a man and woman in an SUV handing out candy and that he saw Kamille in the SUV crying, according to WBMA.

Surveillance video from a nearby gas station allegedly shows Stallworth getting out of an SUV and buying $18 worth of candy, Ross testified. Stallworth allegedly later bought an energy drink and a pill for sexual dysfunction at another gas station, Ross reportedly said.

According to WBMA, Ross testified that Stallworth said Brown wanted to "keep her" and then instructed him to sexually assault her. Stallworth then went outside to smoke a cigarette and accused Brown of putting her hand over Kamille's nose and mouth to kill her, Ross said.

Ross believes that the couple gave Kamille meth and another sedative to make her sleepy, according to the WBMA's report of the hearing. The sedative that was allegedly used, Trazodone, is an anti-depressant used to treat insomnia, and the levels of both drugs in Kamille's system indicated that she ingested them and was not just exposed to them, AL.com reported.
