View Full Version : Dating apps causing rise in mudsharking and oildrilling

Whitey Ford
10-06-2019, 06:04 PM
Online dating, now the most common way for couples to meet, is desegregating America
Searching for love via the internet is often treated as a wacky new trend, but it’s one of the biggest social transformations in human history.

It's also common knowledge that they are also one of the main spreaders of STDs. Go figure.

But suddenly, in a blink of history’s eye, the U.S. has become a place where it is common for newlyweds to have recently been perfect strangers — without any friends or acquaintances in common, without families that knew each other — until the couple found each other through online dating. While couples who met through the internet were fairly rare in the 1990s, they’ve increased exponentially since the turn of the century, and now finding love online is the most common way that romantic relationships begin in the U.S., accounting for a third of new couples and marriages.

This rise in the pairing off of total strangers is changing the kinds of couples that become families, and that is changing the makeup of the next generation of Americans they raise. Most dramatically, online dating is acting as a desegregating force in the U.S. and creating families that blur social boundaries, which can lead to those boundaries becoming less meaningful over time.


10-06-2019, 09:31 PM
Online dating, now the most common way for couples to meet, is desegregating America
Searching for love via the internet is often treated as a wacky new trend, but it’s one of the biggest social transformations in human history.

It's also common knowledge that they are also one of the main spreaders of STDs. Go figure.


SHEIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIT!! I met my last 4 girlfriends over the last 10 years and I would NEVER date a sheboon!! Anyone who dates a NIGGER is out of their MIND!!

10-06-2019, 11:28 PM
I used to have tones of fun on match.com. First question out of the gate was, "how do you feel about interracial dating?" If they were dumb enough to answer the wrong way then I'd really fuck with them..."what was the result of your last aids test, any trips to the doctor for that burning during urination, have you had your date beat your kids, do you settle arguments with edged weapons, and do you own a cat for purposes other than bait?" This was among the many that I can remember but I know I asked many more.

SC Anemia
10-06-2019, 11:33 PM
My first question was always 'how did your last husband kill himself?' :lol

Actually I did have a profile up for awhile. A real meat-market to be sure but I knew that going in. Any dating app I've ever seen has race 'preferences'. A few things you learn online dating are:

1.) A profile picture in silhouette, sepia tones or taken from 20 feet away are a no-bueno.

2.) A few extra pounds means gargantuan.

3.) A grandkid in the home means she has a mudshark slut for a daughter and guess who taught her that?

4.) "I dont see color" means run away, run far-far away.

5.) A cat in her profile pictures is also a no-bueno. (There are more)

6.) 'Drinks socially' and listing 'entrepreneur' in occupation means premenopausal nightmare.


White Orchid
10-06-2019, 11:39 PM
All the money in the world wouldn't encourage me to date nigger filth. I also have a sister who thinks the same way; she once told me she'd slit her own throat before being seen dating a nigger.

SC Anemia
10-06-2019, 11:47 PM
All the money in the world wouldn't encourage me to date nigger filth. I also have a sister who thinks the same way; she once told me she'd slit her own throat before being seen dating a nigger.

I like your parents!

White Orchid
10-06-2019, 11:50 PM
I like your parents!

Yeah, my old man would've put Archie Bunker to shame. May he rest in peace.

10-06-2019, 11:52 PM
Hey, where did you find that picture of me??? :lol


SC Anemia
10-06-2019, 11:59 PM
Hey, where did you find that picture of me??? :lol


Since when is Grand Mariner in a Bloody Mary?

Diva kiddo...how many cats are you harboring? Be honest :lol


10-07-2019, 12:07 AM
Since when is Grand Mariner in a Bloody Mary?

That's my second favorite drink - well, my third after GM and Irish coffee. Oh, and wine. So, my 4th favorite drink.

All the money in the world wouldn't encourage me to date nigger filth.

I feel the same way. Not for a million dollars. Of course, you wouldn't have that money for long if you hooked up with a nog so you would debase yourself for nothing.

10-07-2019, 08:54 AM
My first question was always 'how did your last husband kill himself?' :lol

Actually I did have a profile up for awhile. A real meat-market to be sure but I knew that going in. Any dating app I've ever seen has race 'preferences'. A few things you learn online dating are:

1.) A profile picture in silhouette, sepia tones or taken from 20 feet away are a no-bueno.

2.) A few extra pounds means gargantuan.

3.) A grandkid in the home means she has a mudshark slut for a daughter and guess who taught her that?

4.) "I dont see color" means run away, run far-far away.

5.) A cat in her profile pictures is also a no-bueno. (There are more)

6.) 'Drinks socially' and listing 'entrepreneur' in occupation means premenopausal nightmare.


A long time ago I thought I would give the online thing a try. Was of time. The ones who are attractive are often fake profiles by porn scammers. Even some of the realistic looking ones. You send them a message and you get a reply to "check out my profile" and it is an amateur porn site.

There are also the ones who take those side pictures with their head cocked so you don't notice those "few extra pounds". I'm not a shallow man but if you are hiding that, you are hiding some other things as well.

10-07-2019, 02:12 PM
Diva kiddo...how many cats are you harboring? Be honest

Just two...at the moment. But I know someone who has 17 and is looking for a date.

10-09-2019, 07:44 PM
These race-traitors figure that they can slum it in relative anonymity. The effects of sleeping with the enemy are real. I have never nor will I ever understand what makes a human want to sleep with a fucking nigger...