View Full Version : Nigger threatens brown man, brown man defends himself. Media loses mind and thinks he is white LOL.

Cat fur allergic
10-03-2019, 02:09 AM

The NYPD said the man, who is white, began fighting with a group of black men on a C train when he began using the N-word, pulled out a box cutter, and threatened passengers.

Niggers always come in groups and try shit in groups. Biggest cowards and aren't warriors as they see themselves. but cowards. I personally beaten a few niggers vs myself alone etc.. Huge cowards.

10-03-2019, 07:42 AM

Niggers always come in groups and try shit in groups. Biggest cowards and aren't warriors as they see themselves. but cowards. I personally beaten a few niggers vs myself alone etc.. Huge cowards.

Just calling spade spades!! :unigger:gorilla:dindu

10-03-2019, 11:55 PM
Was his name Zimmerman? Or do we have another of those elusive 'white hispanics' on our hands?