View Full Version : Activists Who Trashed “FRAUD” Paris Climate Accord Now FURIOUS at Trump

06-02-2017, 08:03 AM
President Trump fulfilled a major campaign promise by pulling out of the worthless Paris Climate Change Accord. The Paris Accord is a bad deal, designed to build up developing countries off the backs of American workers while doing nothing to help the “climate.” The deal is so bad, as a matter of fact, that enviro-nazis absolutely hated it, calling it worthless and a fraud. Yet, now, these same people are furious at President Trump for not staying in a worthless, fraud deal that would hurt American workers and taxpayers. Typical hypocritical liberals. This is the same way they reacted when

More... (http://truthfeed.com/activists-who-trashed-fraud-paris-climate-accord-now-furious-at-trump/78004/)