View Full Version : Asslifter who ran down a boy had been on light "community sentence"

09-10-2019, 11:28 AM
This is exactly why I say when judges, prosecutors, parole members, let off a nigger (or asslifter), then they get the same sentence the next time their pet is caught.

Rabieh Abdul Rahman, 36, allegedly lost control of his car and hit a 12-year-old boy outside Hurstville Public School in Sydney's south on Friday morning.

Abdul Rahman has been charged with manslaughter, dangerous driving causing death and driving unlicensed.

Details of his past have since emerged revealing he had been serving a one-year intensive corrections order since October 4 last year, the Daily Telegraph reported.

He had been convicted of assaulting a police officer, carrying knives in a public place, driving a vehicle under the influence of drugs as well as carrying a weapon and resisting arrest.

Following the crash, Abdlul Rahman was spotted smoking a cigarette and later sticking up both his middle fingers to camera crews after his arrest.

The boy, who was a year seven student at Sydney Technical High in nearby Bexley, had been walking across the road before he was struck by the car on Friday.

He became pinned underneath the vehicle for up to an hour before he was freed and rushed to hospital for treatment, but tragically died a short time later.

Dozens of school children and parents witnessed the horrific accident at the time of morning drop-off.


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