View Full Version : Aaliyah goes vegetable from its asthma, fambly goes from GibsMeDat to nigger lotto against the school

09-05-2019, 11:11 PM
In a lawsuit filed on Thursday, the family's attorneys say the nurse at McGuire Middle School failed to properly evaluate her and sent her to gym class where she lost consciousness and had to be taken to the hospital. Now, they say she will require caretaking services for the rest of her life.

Leading up to the date of her medical emergency, the family says their daughter Aaliyah had a long history of asthma with severe exacerbations that required medical intervention. The school district and nurse were aware of the severity of her condition, according to the lawsuit.

During the class, attorneys say Aailyah's airways narrowed to the point where she couldn't breathe and eventually she passed out. According to the lawsuit, the 14-year-old girl was deprived of oxygen for about 30 minutes. As a result, she suffered a permanent brain injury and remains in a persistent vegetative state.

As part of the lawsuit, the family is seeking in excess of $10 million in damages against the district and nurse.

Niggers like to claim they have "asthma" when they're just 500 pounds with arteries clogged from KFC. What really happened is that this sow wanted to ditch class, the nurse rolled her eyes knowing there was no real asthma, and the PE teacher couldn't have made the sow walk two steps anyway. But that happened to be when the sow fell over from its own poor health, and it's playing it up. Half an hour without oxygen to its brain? Bullshit. I'm not comparing niggers to humans, just pointing out that mammals can't survive that long.

As we frequently say, how can you really tell the difference between a nigger and one with supposed brain injuries (or one that's brain dead)? Put a chicken wing under it's 4-inch-wide nose, and it'll wake right up. Open a bucket of KFC across the room, and it'll jump out of bed. Tell it a KFC is opening down the street, and it'll run faster than that Usain buck.



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Buck Simian
09-05-2019, 11:31 PM
This sounds like that other bag of shit nigger that was technically dead yet the family insisted it was alive and kept it on life support for 3 years at the cost of the hospital, meanwhile every buck on the cleaning crew was probably mounting it.


SC Anemia
09-06-2019, 11:46 AM
This sounds like that other bag of shit nigger that was technically dead yet the family insisted it was alive and kept it on life support for 3 years at the cost of the hospital, meanwhile every buck on the cleaning crew was probably mounting it.


Good news is that this one is only 14 so she'll be REAL popular with the janitorial staff. Probably make the Miss October centerfold in Mop Bucket Monthly. :lol


09-06-2019, 12:27 PM
Good news is that this one is only 14 so she'll be REAL popular with the janitorial staff. Probably make the Miss October centerfold in Mop Bucket Monthly. :lol


"Now, they say she will require caretaking services for the rest of her life."

Doesn't every nigger on the planet require caretaking services?

09-06-2019, 12:44 PM
10 million niggers are not worth 10 million dollars. This nigger should be paying.

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SC Anemia
09-06-2019, 12:54 PM
Typical gibsmedat bullshit, I found another :gibs page some other nigger set up for this turnip.


But I must be mistaken, maybe there's two niggers with the same name in Lakeville, MN on life support.
