View Full Version : Hideously ugly mixed she boon is upset that 'White is the default'- blames Benedict Cumberbatch

Whitey Ford
09-05-2019, 05:26 PM
Mixed Up: ‘I’m not white – people should ask themselves why they see whiteness as the default’

Benedict Cumberbatch is a shit actor that has spoken out against 'racisms' many, many times.

‘Being mixed-race has had a massive impact on the way I view the world. It has given me unique perspectives and access to different worlds. It’s also an amazing connection that I share with other mixed-race people. ‘I’m really grateful for the time I spent in Barbados because I have a much deeper connection to and understanding of my Bajan heritage than I would had I just grown up in the UK.

‘People often ask if I’m related to Benedict Cumberbatch and having a surname that people associate with a posh white man has probably opened doors for me,’ explains Aimee. ‘We have the same surname because his ancestor was one of the owners of a plantation in Barbados where my ancestors were slaves. Slaves had to take the names of their masters when slavery was abolished and Cumberbatch is a very common name in Barbados because it was one of the largest plantations.’ ‘Passing’ is the phenomenon of being perceived as white in certain situations, and it is something that many mixed-race people have experienced. For Aimee, being able to ‘pass’ as white is complex because she never wants to ignore or hide her Caribbean heritage.


09-06-2019, 09:31 AM
Dont worry mutant, I dont see you as white.

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Rape Ape
09-06-2019, 10:58 AM
The One Drop Rule applies. There is no such thing as "mixed race". One drop, and..

09-06-2019, 02:47 PM
Whore should've just been grateful to have non-nigger DNA, but no, even 1% turns them into nigger proclivities. That's ok, she self-identified as a nigger, so be it.