View Full Version : Le'veon has to buy new tacky nigger bling after two whores stole his sheeeit

Whitey Ford
09-03-2019, 03:25 PM
Le'Veon Bell is finally replacing the jewelry his girlfriends jacked this past spring ... TMZ Sports has learned he just went on a shopping spree for bling -- AND SPENT $300,000!!!

Bell famously had at least HALF A MILLION dollars worth of drip stolen out of his Florida home on May 25 ... after his two GFs allegedly robbed him blind after he left them naked in his bed.

After he left them naked in his bed. LOL
https://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk200/muqtadatostada/niggerbling_zpsodgbgqex.jpg (https://s280.photobucket.com/user/muqtadatostada/media/niggerbling_zpsodgbgqex.jpg.html)
Dumb nigger's overpriced crap looks like something kids buy out of vending machines at the mall. LOL

27-year-old Bell hit up Icebox in Atlanta and came away with a grip of rings, bracelets, earrings, a new chain and watch ... and it all totaled up to $300k.

As for the big bill ... don't worry, Bell can afford it -- dude signed a 4-year, $52.5 MILLION contract with the Jets this off-season.


09-03-2019, 04:35 PM
We don't need a crystal ball to see this fuckers future. By the time he is 40, he will be broke as hell, trying to explain that he didn't know what happened to all of his money.

09-03-2019, 04:36 PM
This is why I stopped watching niggers in professional sports. Damn apes get paid too much.

09-04-2019, 05:47 PM
Niggers with money are like children in a candy store with a fistful of change: "I gots all dis munny. Gimme some o' dat, and dat and dat!"

Look at its face. It looks actually retarded, with all the intelligence of an ox in its eyes but at least oxen are useful. Mudsharks? Just WHY?

Whitey Ford
09-04-2019, 06:15 PM
Mudsharks? Just WHY?

I would bet that it wasn't 'sharks. Probably a couple of STD laden, gold digging hood rats LOL. Today Le'Veon visits the jewelry store to replace his stolen stuff. Tomorrow, it will be an appointment at 'the clinic.'

09-04-2019, 06:58 PM
I would bet that it wasn't 'sharks. Probably a couple of STD laden, gold digging hood rats LOL.

Oh, I'm sure they are in this case. I was just making a general inquiry as to why any human woman would be attracted to these dim-witted, ugly, violent beasts.

Midder Peenud Hayed
09-04-2019, 08:03 PM
It could spend all the money on the planet and it would still just be a nigger...