View Full Version : Niggers stalking my daughters at county fair in 2016...

Midder Peenud Hayed
08-31-2019, 04:51 PM
I was reading Mr. Sandman's post...


... and thinking about how much easier it would be to have a like-minded spouse when it comes to knowing the truth about niggers. Then I reminded myself of how far Mrs. Peenud Hayed :lol has come since we first met 20 years ago. She will now admit that there is a clear correlation between niggers, stupidity, crime, and violence, but then will proceed to make excuses for it. But that's a long way from where she was before an incident in 2016 at the King County Fair.

In the summer of '16 my wife let our 11 y/o girls get Nordic braids. I was not thrilled about it, but that was when we were still in the clutches of separate identity derangement syndrome, and they did get slightly different hairdos. The girls have my skin-type and get that golden tan in the summer that my people do. Combined with their long blonde hair, and way too much skin showing, when we left the house that afternoon for the fair, I thought they looked like nigger bait!

My wife was quite pregnant with son #2 at that time and needed to take frequent rests. We would perch her on her little folding chair, then the girls, their 5 y/o brother, and yours truly would explore the surrounding area. Because of his age and habit of running around like a wild animal, most of my attention was spent on him while the girls meandered around the various displays and booths within my field of vision. At about dusk, the boy band the twins wanted to see was about to begin their show.

We had parked the wife at a food court. When we got back to her, she asked me if I had seen the "guys" who were following us around. Huh...? She nods her head in the direction of these "guys", and shocker! -- they were niggers!

Two 20-something nigger bucks had evidently been stalking us from the time we sat Mrs. Peenud Hayed in her chair. They were about 50 feet away from us at that point. Out of the corner of my eye, I watched them stare at the girls, making comments back and forth, smacking their ugly purple lips, and most disgusting of all -- periodically grabbing their filthy groins. The wife said they had literally followed us around the entire cluster of exhibits.

I took a couple steps toward them, and they quickly darted around a corner. We left the area and headed for the event stage so the girls could crush on a truly awful boy band (can't remember which one -- not that famous...). That was about 45 minutes I'll never get back, but it made the girls happy. After that, we wandered around for another 30 minutes or so when the wife wanted to go home. As we were leaving the fairgrounds, there they were again! The same two niggers were following us staring at the girls and smacking their lips.

That was it for me! I saw a uniformed King County deputy walking towards us. I waved him down, pointed at the niggers, and told him they'd been following us around for 2 hours. The niggers saw me talking to the deputy while pointing them out, and I have never seen niggers disappear faster in my life. POOF! Right into the crowd. I wish I could bottle it and sell it! Nig-b-Gone nigger repellent...

After that, I didn't get "the face" from the wife anymore when making comments about niggers. She's probably never going to join this site :lmao, but progress is progress.

08-31-2019, 05:13 PM
You are doing it right. Protecting your family from niggers isn't as simple as it was a few decades ago when you could just say "stay away from those niggers" and they would listen. Exposing them to the scourge just a little at a time is what it takes for them to see reality without being consumed by it.

Midder Peenud Hayed
08-31-2019, 05:59 PM
... Exposing them to the scourge [niggers] just a little at a time is what it takes for them to see reality without being consumed by it.

That has always been my strategy. So far, so good.

08-31-2019, 06:46 PM
You absolutely did the right thing. When it comes to niggers, there is no such thing as paranoia, only pro-activeness in keeping yourself and your family safe. There was a time when niggers didn't dare so much as look at a white woman wrong, I'll just say that.

Years ago on the subway, and I'll never forget this, a particularly vile nigger was standing up, staring down at a pretty blonde in the seats and no doubt imagining muh dikking her. Its eyes were like golf balls, ready to pop out of the sockets, and it was sliding its bootlips back and forth (sideways!!!). The poor girl knew what was staring at her, and all she could do was look away uncomfortably.

SC Anemia
08-31-2019, 07:00 PM
I knew my work was done (and properly) when a few years back while in the car with my adult daughter, she told me a story about a nigger panhandler she encountered.

My daughter is very much a lady but can at times have the mouth of a longshoreman. It was then, in telling her story "...and there's this fuckin nigger..." that I knew I had nothing to worry about.

Never mind that she keeps pepper spray on her key ring and a knife in her purse you could field dress an elk with. :lol

Cracka Jack
08-31-2019, 07:18 PM
I knew my work was done (and properly) when a few years back while in the car with my adult daughter, she told me a story about a nigger panhandler she encountered.

My daughter is very much a lady but can at times have the mouth of a longshoreman. It was then, in telling her story "...and there's this fuckin nigger..." that I knew I had nothing to worry about.

Never mind that she keeps pepper spray on her key ring and a knife in her purse you could field dress an elk with. :lol

You done good Pop!! :thumb

08-31-2019, 07:37 PM
Never mind that she keeps pepper spray on her key ring and a knife in her purse you could field dress an elk with. :lol

Tell me she CCWs and if it's the same as my sister, are you my real dad? :D

My sister and I grew up calling them "blackies," the most polite term Sandman Sr. used in our house. He sometimes used "nigras," which he picked up from living in Texas a while. Grown up, though, my sister and I call them niggers when we're talking in private. Mrs. S doesn't have a problem with me calling them niggers though she doesn't use that word herself.

SC Anemia
08-31-2019, 08:11 PM
Tell me she CCWs and if it's the same as my sister, are you my real dad? :D

My sister and I grew up calling them "blackies," the most polite term Sandman Sr. used in our house. He sometimes used "nigras," which he picked up from living in Texas a while. Grown up, though, my sister and I call them niggers when we're talking in private. Mrs. S doesn't have a problem with me calling them niggers though she doesn't use that word herself.

Naw, she doesn't have a CCW. CA remember. :bert

Midder Peenud Hayed
08-31-2019, 08:27 PM
I knew my work was done (and properly) when a few years back while in the car with my adult daughter, she told me a story about a nigger panhandler she encountered.

My daughter is very much a lady but can at times have the mouth of a longshoreman. It was then, in telling her story "...and there's this fuckin nigger..." that I knew I had nothing to worry about.

Never mind that she keeps pepper spray on her key ring and a knife in her purse you could field dress an elk with. :lol


Mission Accomplished!

Mine are 14, the hormones have kicked in, and I'm scared shitless at times, but so far, they seem to favor the White boys.

09-01-2019, 03:16 AM
I feel all your collective disgust. When I received orders back to this shithole for my twilight tour, I made sure to buy a house in the whitest most crime free area I could possibly find. This is Plaquemines Parish, home to the late great Judge Perez - a local and national legend of segregation. Back when he ran this whole area, if you pulled a stunt like one of these niggers, you would find yourself locked up at Fort Jackson and used to breed mosquitoes. No AC, no running water, no toilets, nothing but bars on the windows, a mud floor and one bologna sandwich per day. You considered yourself lucky if you ever were seen again.

Now, you just can't avoid the niggers anymore. They make up less than 4 percent of the population but seem to be all most restaurants will hire anymore. This is the price of living in an upscale parish. The white kids don't need money enough to have to work at a lot of restaurants - so they just don't.

Four years ago, I took the family to Popeye's Chicken. Yes, we like chicken - no, that doesn't make us niggers though.

Two of the teenings were outside taking a smoke break in front of the store and the wife and daughter were behind me while I had to make a dash for the restrooms. I didn't find out what happened until a few days later. The wife said she was scared to tell me fearing I would make a scene and rightly so. These niggers were loudly ooking, eeking and crotch grabbing at my then 14 year old daughter making comments about her butt as she walked into the restaurant making the most vile comments as she walked by.

The wife prevented me from completing my fatherly duties but when I did, I went thru the trash just to find the receipt. I called the store and corporate. They may not have won a scholarship to the NU Fort Jackson learning annex, but at least I got them fired.

Sometimes, no matter how hard you try, you just can't get away from these niggers.

Midder Peenud Hayed
09-01-2019, 08:38 PM
... My sister and I grew up calling them "blackies," the most polite term Sandman Sr. used in our house. He sometimes used "nigras," which he picked up from living in Texas a while. Grown up, though, my sister and I call them niggers when we're talking in private. Mrs. S doesn't have a problem with me calling them niggers though she doesn't use that word herself.

The greatest transgression my brothers and I could commit growing up was to make derogatory racial comments. Problem was, my older bro' and I loathed niggers from birth, we were always making fun of them, and while I was a bit more sneaky about it, at times he couldn't help himself.

The year Dad taught at Anni, we were all loaded into mom's piece of shit minivan for a rare dinner out. My brother (16 at the time) was in a particularly mischievous mood for whatever reason. Earlier that day he had farted on our 12 y/o brother's head and made him cry. Mom got mad at him and made him apologize. He apologized, Mom went back to doing whatever it was she was doing, and as soon as she had cleared the room, he turned around and farted on him again.

Anyway, we were stopped at a light, and there knuckling across the crosswalk right in front of us was this fat alpha-mammy in a bright orange dress, wearing a bright bronze weeeig, with a cig hanging out of its mouf. It was an utterly ridiculous creature. It wasn't even "walking" per se -- it was waddling from side to side.

My brother leaned over and in full voice said, "It looks like someone put a dress and a wig on a gorilla and gave it a pack of smokes."

Two things immediately happened. First, I started laughing so hard that I couldn't breathe. Next, dad reached across our little brother with his big weight lifter arm and smacked older bro' upside the head. It made a really funny sound like "Thooonk!". That made me laugh even harder. Our parents weren't spankers -- so it was quite out of character for Dad to raise his hand to one of us. But funny as hell that time...

Suffice it to say, I've never heard either of our parents (who are upstairs as I write this -- newly-returned from the U.K.) use any racial slur. My older bro' and I have contests to see how many times we can work the common noun "nigger" into a single sentence. Our younger bro', to his credit, doesn't like the (ridiculous) term "African-American" and won't use it. He calls them "black". I've never heard him use the term "nigger" (that I can remember, anyway).

09-02-2019, 11:16 AM
Our younger bro', to his credit, doesn't like the (ridiculous) term "African-American" and won't use it. He calls them "black". I've never heard him use the term "nigger" (that I can remember, anyway).

I hate this as well. Even more than not being able to call them nigger among others at work. This is the only place it happens. It is considered racist to call them black, but is perfectly ok to deny my unique heritage and call me white? Not that I really care about being called white. But you get the idea. When these niggers are in other places they do not refer to themselves for example as "African-Irishman" or even "African-Africn". What do they call white people in Africa? "American-African"?

To solve this I say everyone just calls them niggers.


White Orchid
09-02-2019, 12:37 PM
My brother leaned over and in full voice said, "It looks like someone put a dress and a wig on a gorilla and gave it a pack of smokes."

Dude, I almost choked on my coffee! :rofl

If anyone said that now, they'd probably get shot.

09-02-2019, 03:40 PM
Suffice it to say, I've never heard either of our parents (who are upstairs as I write this -- newly-returned from the U.K.) use any racial slur.

My parents never called them anything BUT niggers, so my brother and I thought that was the proper name. I had a friend whose dad was more creative. He called them Jigaboos and jungle bunnies.

To solve this I say everyone just calls them niggers.

Reminds me of a joke my father told us, about a new nigger band. They argued about what to call themselves, e.g. "The Four Aces", etc. After going through many suggestions, one of them said, "We may as well just call ourselves "The Four Niggers" because that's what everyone else will call us." My brother and I cracked up.

Midder Peenud Hayed
09-02-2019, 08:38 PM
Spit my damn coffee all over my keyboard over that...

Oh, dude, if I went down the list of all my brother's anti-nigger outbursts when we were kids, y'all would have to start a new site.

Chimpout II!

That same year he got himself suspended from high school 3 times for fighting with niggers. I had my own problems with niggers that year (I've gone into detail in "The Yard..."), but didn't tell him much because I knew he would get expelled for beating the shit out of the niggers tormenting me.

Tar Remover
09-20-2019, 03:59 PM
Good work MPH! And keep at it with the Mrs. Mine is the same way, but I notice she seems to be slowly coming around. I just don't miss a chance to point out niggatry.

Midder Peenud Hayed
09-20-2019, 07:42 PM
Good work MPH! And keep at it with the Mrs. Mine is the same way, but I notice she seems to be slowly coming around. I just don't miss a chance to point out niggatry.

At times I've felt like I was walking a tightrope, but it has definitely gotten better over time. The worst spanner in the works is my own mother. Since the wife and I began dating, the two of them have conversations a coupe times a month (or more). That sounds benign I know, but Mom is a flaming leftist former flower-child hippy chick. I get what Dad saw in her in his youth -- she was stunning. Still is at 71...

But she gets into my wife's head sometimes and fucks up my shit! I know for a fact that she convinced my wife to vote for Jill Stein in 2016. I guess Bill Clinton’s fat ugly unaccomplished drunken grifter of a wife just wasn't enough of a commie for Mom.

My mother-in-law is the opposite. Very traditional, well-known family name, roots all the way back to William the Conqueror, etc... I know for a fact that she doesn't care for niggers or Moslems, my late father-in-law really disliked them, but they definitely failed to pass that wisdom along to their 3 children.

With the exception of Son #2 (he's too little), I can guaran-damn-tee you that my kids know exactly how I feel about niggers, and to a lesser extent, ass-lifters!

So does my pot-head* Canadian wife...

*The cousin and hubby from Vancouver BC are coming down tonight for the weekend. When the two girls get together they turn iont retards. I feel like I'm in a Cheech and Chong movie sometimes.

Tar Remover
09-21-2019, 03:11 AM
At times I've felt like I was walking a tightrope, but it has definitely gotten better over time. The worst spanner in the works is my own mother. Since the wife and I began dating, the two of them have conversations a coupe times a month (or more). That sounds benign I know, but Mom is a flaming leftist former flower-child hippy chick. I get what Dad saw in her in his youth -- she was stunning. Still is at 71...

But she gets into my wife's head sometimes and fucks up my shit! I know for a fact that she convinced my wife to vote for Jill Stein in 2016. I guess Bill Clinton’s fat ugly unaccomplished drunken grifter of a wife just wasn't enough of a commie for Mom.

My mother-in-law is the opposite. Very traditional, well-known family name, roots all the way back to William the Conqueror, etc... I know for a fact that she doesn't care for niggers or Moslems, my late father-in-law really disliked them, but they definitely failed to pass that wisdom along to their 3 children.

With the exception of Son #2 (he's too little), I can guaran-damn-tee you that my kids know exactly how I feel about niggers, and to a lesser extent, ass-lifters!

So does my pot-head* Canadian wife...

*The cousin and hubby from Vancouver BC are coming down tonight for the weekend. When the two girls get together they turn iont retards. I feel like I'm in a Cheech and Chong movie sometimes.:rofl Everyone in my family knows I detest niggers. Most agree.....

Midder Peenud Hayed
09-24-2019, 10:51 PM
Everyone in my family knows I detest niggers. Most agree.....

You're lucky. My situation is a bit more complicated. I focus on the kids. My parents and younger bro' are a lost cause.