View Full Version : Lebanese sandnigger given FREE scholarship to Harvard deported for social media posts

Whitey Ford
08-27-2019, 04:15 PM
'Lawless' and 'Despicable': Harvard Freshman Deported After Immigration Agents Search Social Media and Find Friends Critical of US Policy

A Palestinian student set to attend his freshman year at Harvard was reportedly denied entry to the U.S. based on his friends' social media posts, setting off a firestorm of criticism from progressives, though not the so-called "free speech warriors" of the right.

Ismail B. Ajjawi, 17, who won a full scholarship to Harvard, was sent back to his home in Lebanon Friday from Boston's Logan International Airport after an hours-long interrogation by immigration officers, who he said also searched his phone and computer.

"An incoming Palestinian Harvard student is being punished not even for his own speech, but for the speech of his friends *that was critical of the US*," tweeted Jillian York, director of the International Freedom of Expression at the Electronic Frontier Foundation. "Note the crickets from the conservative 'free speech' defenders."
Ahhhhhhhhhhh, the tears of shitlibs! Keep crying for your sandmonkey, shitlibs.

While most Harvard freshmen settle into their dorms Tuesday, one new student, Ismail B. Ajjawi ’23, faces ongoing negotiations with immigration officers to allow him to enter the United States and study at the College.

U.S. officials deported Ajjawi, a 17-year-old Palestinian resident of Tyre, Lebanon, Friday night shortly after he arrived at Boston Logan International Airport. Before canceling Ajjawi’s visa, immigration officers subjected him to hours of questioning — at one point leaving to search his phone and computer — according to a written statement by Ajjawi.

He gets a FREE scholarship to an Ivy League institution that will guarantee him top tier consideration to the best and highest paying careers, while US born students will struggle with student debt for the rest of their lives.

Ajjawi told the Crimson he was in the airport for eight hours before he was required to leave. During that time, he said officers questioned him about his religion and he was made to unlock his phone and laptop to allow for a search.

He told the Crimson that an officer found "political points of view that oppose the U.S." among his friends on social media, but Ajjawi said he had no political posts of any kind on his own accounts.


08-27-2019, 06:13 PM
Why give this future terrorist an American education when all it would do is to attack us later? I am a strong proponent of higher education, but don't waste those spots to niggers and their kin, and those that spit on the very freedoms that are kind to them (that means illegal aliens).

In the late 80s, attending the University of California, there was a lot of talk about South Africa and apartheid. I didn't give a fuck, and I'm a Californian through and through. I didn't believe in meddling in other countries affairs, because I don't want them meddling in ours. Was it a human moral issue? I thought the blacks there just wanted freedom without knowing the responsibility and behavior needed to maintain a civilized nation. True enough, niggers do not know how to behave like humans. South Africa is a shithole today.

If progressive thinking is to undermine the values, culture, and progress of the USA, then I'm against it. Supposed academics and progressive liberals think they're helping the world become better, then they wonder why they don't have a safe place to live, and why their rent is so high. It's because you fools coddle niggers and illegals, you idiots!

08-27-2019, 09:07 PM
There are limits to free speech. You can't shout "Fire!" in a crowded theater, you can't force CO to host views against our rules, and you can't expect zero consequences from expressing your opinions and sympathies out loud.

You are also judged by the company you keep. I don't share neo-Nazi crap from friends or anything that could be construed as sympathetic to terrorism, because I don't have and won't have friends who are neo-Nazis or have any links to terrorists. I'm routinely critical and insulting of France and Germany on social media: if a friend often shared my public posts, wouldn't they tell him "Oh hell NEIN!" if he applied for any kind of a visa, because of who he's with?

Tar Remover
08-28-2019, 06:37 AM
Good fuckin' riddance. Bye, Sand Goblin!