View Full Version : Serial stomper of asslifters Darren Osbourne nearly kills Islam in prison

Whitey Ford
08-26-2019, 11:25 PM
Naturally, we here at CO do not condone, encourage or participate in any violent or illegal activity in any way, shape or form. News article is presented for informational purposes.
Finsbury Park mosque terrorist 'batters Muslim paedophile in jail attack while shouting 'fucking Allahu Akbar' '
Darren Osbourne

Mosque murderer Darren Osborne beat a Muslim paedophile inmate while shouting 'F***ing Alluhu akbar', it was reported.

The radicalised Islamophobe, whose appalling van attack at the Finsbury Park mosque left one man dead and twelve people injured, beat child rapist Tariq Islam unconscious.

A source told The Sun: 'Osborne was raging. If the prison officers hadn't got to him when they did Islam could have been killed.

'He shouted the place down, yelling "F***ing Allahu akbar!"

'There was blood everywhere.'

His victim Islam, 35, from Leeds, was jailed for 13 years after his ten-strong gang groomed a Muslim girl of 12 and plied her with alcohol before raping her.

Cracka Jack
08-27-2019, 08:33 AM
Guards should have taken a smoke break.

08-27-2019, 10:29 AM
Guards should have taken a smoke break.

I think by putting this "radicalized Islamophobe" in contact with a muzzie child rapist, they did their job pretty well. I'm sure they didn't rush to the muzzie's aid.

If the prison officers hadn't got to him when they did Islam could have been killed.

Yes, how tragic it would have been if a child-raping, valuable member of society left this world.

08-27-2019, 10:37 AM
Guards should have taken a smoke break.

AGREED!! Asslifters KARMA for 1400 plus years of atrocities committed aginst the West by those asslifters!! The muzzie asshole got what he deserved!!

Tar Remover
08-28-2019, 06:41 AM
Yes. Far be it for me to condone the physical ass kicking of jizzlamic pedofucks…...

Whitey Ford
08-29-2019, 01:54 AM
Another asslifter beaten in prison.

Messenger: Muslim man's civil rights lawsuit points to Islamophobic Facebook posts of jailer

Prison isn't Club Med you dumbfuck sand monkey. If you don't want to survive a rough prison life, don't go to prison!

He is suing St. Charles County, accusing officials of multiple violations of his civil rights stemming from a 10-month stay in the county jail in 2014. Qandah says he was discriminated against because of his religion, physically beaten by another inmate with the assistance of jail officers, and kept in solitary confinement for eight months for no reason other than the fact that he’s Muslim.

An updated petition filed late last month accuses a jailer, whom Qandah believes unlocked his cell to allow another inmate to enter it and deliver a beating, of posting several “Islamophobic and xenophobic images to his Facebook page.”

There is a national epidemic of racists working in law enforcement, Khazaeli says, and, as in the St. Charles County Jail case, little to nothing is done to punish them or reform the culture of the departments where they work.

“They treat people there like animals,” Khazaeli says of the St. Charles County jail. “The people who are doing it are openly racist and the county doesn’t care.”


08-29-2019, 08:01 AM
Solitary because he's a sand nigger? In the states, we call that the SHU. It's done to protect the prisoner from physical harm including self harm and the last I heard, child rapist were at the very bottom of the pecking order in any prison (of course this didn't exactly work out for Jeffreak Epstein - but I digress.)

I'm willing to bet that his twelve year old victim would have gladly chosen solitary for herself to protect her from these rapist animals. I'm not sure what's worse, the gang rape or the probability that her family turned her over to the burka clad dune coont tribal elders for her clitoridectomy. They were probably more worried that she might have experienced an orgasm during her brutal sexual assault than the fact that she was BRUTALLY SEXUALLY ASSAULTED.

Muzzie or not, no child deserves any of that. She could have at least been given the chance to grow up and run away from Islam. Now she's probably headed for a mental institution - ironically also at taxpayer expense.

LeeRoy Jenkums
08-29-2019, 11:58 AM
Yes. Far be it for me to condone the physical ass kicking of jizzlamic pedofucks…...

Oh yes. How fucking terrible for the child raping asslifter to get his ass beat.:bat

I mean, it's just terrible. How fucking horrible.


Tar Remover
09-01-2019, 10:13 PM
Oh yes. How fucking terrible for the child raping asslifter to get his ass beat.:bat

I mean, it's just terrible. How fucking horrible.


Right? I'm just beside myself...….