View Full Version : Smart ass nigger trolls liberals for instant reparations gibs

Whitey Ford
08-23-2019, 06:55 PM

08-24-2019, 12:57 PM
All these recent talks of reparations piss me off. I did not bring these stupid niggers here. Why should I have to pay them anything.

I will say, for the betterment of our society, I would support a bill that provided a one way plane ticket and a hut for any nigger or coddler that wants to go live in Africa.

I have to believe that the talk of reparations is a lie just to get the nigger vote. I think humans that are not yet chimpers, would instantly turn into one and the political backlash would be far and wide.

The idiots spewing this have to know that would be the outcome.

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08-24-2019, 02:37 PM
Niggers living in America live far better than they ever could in Africa. Even under the "oppression" of YT keeping them down with laws and not enough gibsmedats. But as we know if we had not invaded Wakanda and stole niggers this is what it would look like.