View Full Version : “Dignified” “prominent” Apelanta fambly donates 3 sets of bat wings!

Midder Peenud Hayed
08-23-2019, 03:14 PM
Felonious Lawlessness or Life Without Parole. If this needs to go somewhere else, my panties won't get in a twist...]

A sow mammy from a “well-known” Apelanta fambly, did us all a solid by greasing its adult sprogs – a 20 y/o sow and a 24 y/o buck (before they could breed), and then self-trayvonned.

The baby-daddy, a “prominent” Apelanta “surgeon”, is “shocked”, I tell you.


[Editorial note: These are the worst kind of niggers, IMHO. These are/were niggers that pretend[ed] to be Human. These shifty niggers convince Humans that they are “just like us”. But as we’ve seen, time and time again, their inner chimp always rears its nappy hayed.]


08-23-2019, 05:36 PM
Police have not indicated any motive in the deaths, and said the case remains under investigation.

The search for nigger "motives" is always fruitless.

Authorities found the bodies while conducting a welfare check at the Nobility Way home on Wednesday evening.

Why was a welfare check necessary at the nest of the prominent niggers, anyway? The shitlets were adults.

08-23-2019, 05:54 PM
Felonious Lawlessness or Life Without Parole. If this needs to go somewhere else, my panties won't get in a twist...]

There can be a lot of overlap. If non-coddler humans were harmed, I consider it crime and use Felonious Lawlessness. When niggers make themselves good, Life Without Parole. If niggers are famous enough, Special Housing Unit.

Midder Peenud Hayed
08-23-2019, 07:24 PM
There can be a lot of overlap. If non-coddler humans were harmed, I consider it crime and use Felonious Lawlessness. When niggers make themselves good, Life Without Parole. If niggers are famous enough, Special Housing Unit.

Right on! That's a good way to determine where a thread should go. This one probably should have gone in "Life..." because no innocent Humans were harmed in the chimpout.

Midder Peenud Hayed
08-23-2019, 07:25 PM
The search for nigger "motives" is always fruitless.

Why was a welfare check necessary at the nest of the prominent niggers, anyway? The shitlets were adults.


Good one!


Cracka Jack
08-23-2019, 07:41 PM
A rare case of a spook at the top of the nigger Bell Curve (approx 90 IQ), having a moment of clarity. It finally figured out....

I'm a nigger.
My shitlets are niggers.
Nothing will ever change the FACT that we are all just worthless niggers......

Have you noticed that the only niggers that ever make themselves good are of the high yellow variety?

08-23-2019, 09:02 PM
Have you noticed that the only niggers that ever make themselves good are of the high yellow variety?

I guess they have just enough human blood to make them self-aware of their nigger-ness? If I looked in the mirror and saw a nigger sow there I'd want to kill myself too.