View Full Version : Ape Stunt Pilot Crashes and Kills Hisseff and Sow News Anchor

SC Anemia
08-17-2019, 08:37 PM
Some NOLA news sow thought she'd do a story about one of the few nigger stunt pilots there are. She found out exactly why that is.


The plane he was plying was a Pitts biplane. This nigger must have been tryna impress the sow (muh-dik) and did something extraordinarily wreckless.

Franklin Augustus, the veteran stunt pilot who died Friday in a plane crash along with WVUE Fox 8 anchor Nancy Parker, radioed the controller at Lakefront Airport shortly after takeoff to say he was having problems, the National Transportation Safety Board said in a statement Saturday.

According to the NTSB — the federal agency responsible for investigating the crash — the controller gave Augustus clearance to return to the airport, but at about 3:06 p.m., his lightweight Aerotek Pitts S-2B two-seat biplane went down near the 7300 block of Jourdan Road in New Orleans East. Both Augustus and Parker died in the crash.


08-17-2019, 08:43 PM
Franklin Augustus has returned to dust for us.

On a side note, Pitts, Steerman's, etc....you have to be an exceptional fuckup to crash one of them, they can be flown unpowered into any flat area, you can land them in a fucking bean field.

08-17-2019, 09:14 PM
A "stunt" for a nigger pilot is a three point landing. You can bet the buck was trying to muh dik the news sow instead of flying the plane

08-25-2019, 05:53 AM
As a NOLA area resident - I can confirm.

This guy actually did actually try to convince the snigglets of his species to stay off drugs and other afrocentric trappings. The local media has been mourning these two like they were medal of honor recipients.

The NTSB just released the cause of the accident: When the pilot took off, he forgot to bring his jumper cables and the gas tank was filled with non aviation grade low octane jenkem.

Buck Simian
08-25-2019, 06:57 AM
radioed the controller at Lakefront Airport shortly after takeoff to say he was having problems

Of course he was having problems, he's a nigger.

08-25-2019, 08:26 AM
Some NOLA news sow thought she'd do a story about one of the few nigger stunt pilots there are. She found out exactly why that is.


The plane he was plying was a Pitts biplane. This nigger must have been tryna impress the sow (muh-dik) and did something extraordinarily wreckless.



08-25-2019, 11:29 AM
This is how you know the "Red Tails" AKA the "Red FAILS" was all a lie. Niggers can't control complex machinery without YT or a computer doing it all for them.