View Full Version : Peter Fonda is finally good.

Cracka Jack
08-17-2019, 08:23 PM
“Peter is all deep sweetness, kind and sensitive to his core. He would never intentionally harm anything or anyone. In fact, he once argued with me that vegetables had souls (it was the ’60s),” his sister Jane Fonda said in her 2005 memoir.



His old man, Henry Fonda seemed to be a pretty decent guy. Henry's two kids turned out to be rotten shits that would have better been aborted. Enjoy Hell Pete.. And do us a favor, reach your charred arm up from there and pull that filthy commie loving sister of yours down there with you.

08-17-2019, 10:31 PM
Henry was pretty liberal for his time, meaning today he'd be nowhere liberal enough to be a regular Democrat. His kind of liberal still believed this country was the greatest on Earth (Fonda enlisted in the Navy at age 37 to fight in the war), because back then there was still an overwhelming sense of patriotism. It would have been unthinkable for him to argue we were wrong to fight Germany and then "visit" to pose next to anti-aircraft guns used to shoot down Americans, and he would have never argued for crap like identifying your gender as you're "feeling."

I never read what he thought of his kids, but a real man would have felt ashamed. All I can say is, Peter arrived in hell first, and Hanoi Jane's seat was reserved a long time ago.

SC Anemia
08-17-2019, 11:01 PM
Once in awhile I still run across a Jane Fonda urinal cake at the VA. No kidding.

DR Spook
08-18-2019, 07:37 PM
Once in awhile I still run across a Jane Fonda urinal cake at the VA. No kidding.

We’ve got some of those at our Legion!

08-19-2019, 02:47 PM
I never read what he thought of his kids

No, because men in those days didn't sit and weep on talk shows and air all their dirty laundry and whine about their "feelings" to everyone within earshot.

It's my understanding he was somewhat estranged from both his children and I'm sure did not approve of their actions.

Whitey Ford
08-19-2019, 05:50 PM
And he was a stone niggerlover 'til the very end.....
Peter Fonda lamented how the hatred and bigotry raised in his cult classic Easy Rider is still prevalent, in his last known red carpet interview before his death

Speaking to DailyMailTV in one of his final red carpet interviews he said: 'Go out and look out your window and tell me we haven't blown it'

In one of his last red carpet interviews before his death, the movie's leading man expressed his dismay that the hatred and bigotry raised on screen is still prevalent.

'And those shots of us traveling through the south where you see black people with horse-drawn carriages, no electricity, no water to the houses, that's still there. That was 50 years ago.'


08-19-2019, 07:15 PM
I wonder how many "black people" Peter befriended, cared for and took home with him. Must have been quite a few, since he cared so much about niggers. :rolleyes: