View Full Version : Bumblin' Joe 'Brain Fart' Biden says that 'poor kids' are just as talented as 'white kids'

Whitey Ford
08-09-2019, 09:14 PM
‘Walking gaffe machine’: Joe Biden under fire for saying poor kids are ‘just as talented as white kids’


Joe is setting a world record for how many stupid things you can say during a Presidential Campaign.

Former Vice President Joe Biden provoked alarm and outrage after telling a largely minority audience in Iowa that “poor kids are just as bright and just as talented as white kids,” the most galling in a series of gaffes the presumptive 2020 Democratic frontrunner committed on the campaign trail on Thursday alone.

LeeRoy Jenkums
08-09-2019, 09:21 PM
Poor kids are talented.

Niggers are worthless.

08-09-2019, 09:42 PM
So - there are no poor white kids?

08-10-2019, 05:19 PM
So - there are no poor white kids?

They're the truly forgotten ones. They have parents too proud to get welfare or Section 8, and Democrathey're treated as red state rednecks whose votes are unimportant.


Rape Ape
08-10-2019, 05:26 PM
A lot of poor white people, because they aren't useless nigger leeches, don't expect everyone else to give them free shit. And even a poor white guy living in his car is considered an evil rich rayciss by the Democraps.

08-10-2019, 05:38 PM
My husband and I once got lost on a trip to Vermont. We were shocked by the unbelievable poverty in the small towns we drove through. They were all white though, so no one gives a shit about them, does any fundraisers or weeps about them on the news.

08-11-2019, 02:57 AM
The fucking Dems are all traitors - they'd rather give to lazy niggers and Unassimilable illegals, than to natural born real Americans. A child born in the US, from illegal parents, or illegal grandparents, is still an illegal.
It goes without saying, niggers are not real Americans. They are African apes.

Tar Remover
08-11-2019, 08:46 AM
According to this fuck-addled idiot, there's no such thing as a poor white kid. C'mon Joe. You will be the nominee if you can just keep from saying stupid shit. Nah..... He'll get it anyway. Then Trump will steam roll over him with a fuckin' lawn mower.

Tar Remover
08-11-2019, 08:48 AM
My husband and I once got lost on a trip to Vermont. We were shocked by the unbelievable poverty in the small towns we drove through. They were all white though, so no one gives a shit about them, does any fundraisers or weeps about them on the news.

My wife and I went on the same trip a few years ago. Drove all the way to Maine from SeaTac. We have to fly in from Alaska.

Rape Ape
08-11-2019, 03:14 PM
According to this fuck-addled idiot, there's no such thing as a poor white kid. C'mon Joe. You will be the nominee if you can just keep from saying stupid shit. Nah..... He'll get it anyway. Then Trump will steam roll over him with a fuckin' lawn mower.


animal mother
08-11-2019, 04:23 PM
JFC, the only way Trump can lose this election is another round of Democrat criminal activities. I really hope AG Barr puts the clamp on the FBI pricks and other deep state actors.

08-11-2019, 05:49 PM
A lot of poor white people, because they aren't useless nigger leeches, don't expect everyone else to give them free shit. And even a poor white guy living in his car is considered an evil rich rayciss by the Democraps.

You said it exactly. There are still many people with self-respect and pride to succeed on their own, or fail on their own. When was the last time you heard of a HUD program targeted at a supermajority white neighborhood? I can't say I ever heard of one, because it wouldn't go very far with people who'd be ashamed of taking the money.

Tar Remover
08-12-2019, 02:26 AM

SC Anemia
08-12-2019, 12:05 PM
A lot of poor white people, because they aren't useless nigger leeches, don't expect everyone else to give them free shit. And even a poor white guy living in his car is considered an evil rich rayciss by the Democraps.

I was raised poor, white and what would otherwise be called trailer-trash. With a divorced mother of four, we actually lived in a mobile home, survived on next to zero. My mother would not accept hand-outs or food stamps. As we got older and eventually got jobs, our paychecks went to the common good (also known as the light bill, etc.). All of that was in the late 60's.

All three of my siblings are now grandparents and have raised a generation that are doing light-years better than we did.

We did what any (and most) motivated white people do. Better than our parents and so on. Niggers are just too fuckin lazy and dont care enough to do any better.

We learned, moved on and don't regret a minute of any of it.

Whitey Ford
10-15-2019, 09:40 PM
Joe Biden References People “Clipping Coupons In The Stock Market”



10-15-2019, 09:45 PM
They're the truly forgotten ones. They have parents too proud to get welfare or Section 8, and Democrathey're treated as red state rednecks whose votes are unimportant.


Which is why I'm glad that Trump won W. Va. by over 40 points!!

10-17-2019, 07:44 PM
My husband and I once got lost on a trip to Vermont. We were shocked by the unbelievable poverty in the small towns we drove through. They were all white though, so no one gives a shit about them, does any fundraisers or weeps about them on the news.

Much of what you probably saw were towns decimated by our manufacturing base being outsourced to fucking China and other countries. Something the democrats caused with their policies. Poor whites aren't forgotten, they're just ignored by the assholes that created their condition to begin with, they'll never willingly take ownership of that one, it's how they made niggers 'equal' to the rest of us.

10-17-2019, 10:14 PM
Poor whites aren't forgotten, they're just ignored by the assholes that created their condition to begin with,

I know one of the towns is called "Lyndonville." I just looked it up. 95% white and 0.7% nigger. Median income 34K. I see why no one cares about it. All the taxpayers' money has to go to coddling niggers in Detroit, as they finish their utter destruction of a once-thriving city.