View Full Version : Cuck Island's Counter-terror chief Neil Basu says muslim sand niggers shouldn't have to "integrate"

Whitey Ford
08-06-2019, 11:44 PM
If you English people think that I hate England, I would tell you that half of the blood that pumps through my veins is English.
I don't hate England, I just wish that you would regain your senses. Please, people take back our land! And our heritage. Please.

Counter-terror chief Neil Basu says homegrown terrorism is caused by a lack of social mobility and British Muslims should not be forced to 'assimilate'

Never mind assimilating sand monkeys. They can go home and assimilate themselves. In their own homelands.

Britain's head of counter-terror policing has said homegrown terrorism is fuelled by a lack of social mobility and inclusion.

Fat, old fuck who hates his own home country blames "lack of social mobility" and "inclusion?"

Neil Basu, the Metropolitan police assistant commissioner, said better education and opportunities for young people would do more to fight terrorism than 'the policing and state security apparatus put together'.

He also said British Muslims should not be forced to 'assimilate', adding: 'Assimilation implies that I have to hide myself in order to get on. We should not be a society that accepts that.'

Stop importing the third world into the first world. And you will stop having third world crime in the first world. It's simple, really.

'But the deeper causes need examining. My teams are world class at stopping attacks and locking terrorists up. But we need to stop the flow of recruits into terrorism.

Stop the the flow of 'immigration' and you will stop the 'attacks' asshole. And your shitbag, fuckwipe shock troops aren't good at much except walking around with their dicks in their hands.

'Don't forget that 70%-80% of the people we arrest, disrupt or commit an attack here, are born and raised here. Born or at least raised here. That has got to tell us something about our society.

LOL you're a fuckhead, blaming the indigenous born and historically low crime rate Brits for all the knifings and crimes for the imported third world is absolutely fucking retarded! Bullshit!


If this fat asshole wanted to come to the US and fight me in a ring, in a fully legal and refereed match, I would accept the challenge. Seriously. Hint, hint.

08-07-2019, 09:05 AM
More so that WE should not have to accept their way of life. Sorry, but there are a lot of other muslim countries you could have gone to. You came to us. Now assimilate or get the fuck out.