View Full Version : Harlem Dindu Summer Camp is CLOSED

Whitey Ford
07-31-2019, 08:45 PM
NYCHA Summer Camp In Harlem Overrun With Rats, Maggots


A Harlem summer camp held in a NYCHA community center has been suspended due to stomach-churning conditions: Rotting rat corpses falling from the moldering drop ceiling, random showers of maggots, and cockroaches everywhere, according to NBC New York's investigative team.

"When we walked in on Monday, I was like, 'Oh my God, it just smells really bad in here,'" center director Ashia Broussard told NBC. "And then I started to feel nauseous, and then I just started throwing up."


According to NYCHA, the agency did respond to complaints of maggots and bugs, and sent exterminators on Monday morning and afternoon, just under a week after staff canceled camp on July 16th. The ceiling has also been cleared of dead rats, but according to NBC, the center sits right next to the complex's trash compactor room, so the vermin just keep on coming. During the segment, a king-size rodent reportedly ran across the floor, prompting NYCHA to promise the outlet that it would send the exterminators back for a second round of sanitizing. But as one camper's parent put it, "The smell, the maggots falling from the ceiling—would you want your child to be in a situation like this?"

Rats of unfathomable proportions present a persistent problem at NYCHA developments citywide. Surely you have not forgotten the kitten-sized specimens that laid siege to the Claremont Houses in the Bronx last October: Years and years of neglect mean rodents, roaches, and other pests have become fixtures in city-subsidized housing. Last June, the city committed to spending $2.2 billion on desperately needed NYCHA repairs after a probe revealed that officials had been covering up glaring problems within public housing units, particularly lead paint.


07-31-2019, 10:36 PM
Watching those niggers complain is hilarious. Don't like the conditions? Then stop being a leech living in public housing. My house isn't a palace, but I pay for it myself and it's not overrun with rats.

Cracka Jack
07-31-2019, 10:43 PM
First we lose 600,000 humans fighting over them, then we stop whipping them, then we let them vote, and now they bitch about rats in the housing that WE provide them for free.

They should get on their black-ass knees and thank Jebus for the rats. They'd be happily eating them if they were still in Africa.


Rape Ape
07-31-2019, 11:05 PM
Wait. They replaced the niggers with rats? Things are improving at that camp. :lmao

LeeRoy Jenkums
08-01-2019, 06:47 AM
"When we walked in on Monday, I was like, 'Oh my God, it just smells really bad in here,'" center director Ashia Broussard told NBC. "And then I started to feel nauseous, and then I just started throwing up."

That's the typical human reaction to niggers, for sure.

08-01-2019, 06:07 PM
First we lose 600,000 humans fighting over them, then we stop whipping them, then we let them vote, and now they bitch about rats in the housing that WE provide them for free.

They should get on their black-ass knees and thank Jebus for the rats. They'd be happily eating them if they were still in Africa.



I've dealt with rotting corpses and maggots, with the horrible smell thereof. It's still better than niggers because at least you can clean up maggots.

Cracka Jack
08-01-2019, 06:14 PM

I've dealt with rotting corpses and maggots, with the horrible smell thereof. It's still better than niggers because at least you can clean up maggots.

It's "What's for Dinner" in the muddahland. Usually they sell them pre-roasted, but I guess those junior felons are a bit lazy..... and haven't mastered fire.

08-01-2019, 09:06 PM
Poor rats, being forced to live with niggers.

Tar Remover
08-02-2019, 04:52 AM
The stench was probably all the dead niggers in the attic that the rats were eating....