View Full Version : Sky Islamic channel Peace TV facing ban from BBC for not being Peaceful

Whitey Ford
07-23-2019, 06:51 AM
Sky Islamic channel Peace TV faces ban in Britain for saying gay people are worse than pigs and magicians should be executed

Gays and magicians? What if they happen to be both? Does this mean that David Copperfield and Siegfried and Roy better leave town if the muzzies take over?


An Islamic TV station that said gay people are worse than pigs and magicians should be executed faces being stripped of its UK broadcasting licence.

Peace TV, based in Dubai, was found to have shown four programmes which breached Ofcom regulations on inciting crime, hate speech and abuse.

The channel, which is broadcast on Sky and also airs in the US, said the programmes were based on Islamic teachings.
The regulator said one show - called Strengthening Your Family - The Valley of the Homosexuals - made reference to homosexual people dying 'from a disease they contracted because they are homosexual' and said homosexuality was 'a very unnatural type of love that is energised by the influence of (Satan)'.


07-23-2019, 08:56 AM
Sand niggers hate gays because of their own tendancy to be gay. It is just a cover up. They don't count raping young boys as gay.

07-23-2019, 12:45 PM
Sand niggers hate gays because of their own tendancy to be gay. It is just a cover up. They don't count raping young boys as gay.

The asslifters always get a pass on this. Libtards are very careful to call boy rapist priests "pedophiles" and not gay, and they love talking about ancient Greek homosexual practices, but they ignore dune coon "culture" of raping little boys and girls. It was going on long before Mohammed (piss be upon him).

Odin's balls
07-23-2019, 01:28 PM
This bullshit is from the same death cult that still believes the lunar phases are atributed to Mohammed (piss be apon him) riding up to the heavens on a horse and slicing the moon with his scimitar.

Jesus tap dancing Christ, these retards shouldn't be allowed anywhere near civilisation.

Tar Remover
07-23-2019, 10:57 PM
Good. I fuckin' hate Sand Goblins and could care less if they chop each other's heads off or blast each other to hell. (Piss be upon them)