View Full Version : Dumb Brit slag goes to sandmonkey clinic for nigger butt enhancement surgery- nearly dies of sepsis

Whitey Ford
07-22-2019, 03:00 PM
And Katie Price recommends this sandmonkey clinic.
Mother-of-one, 33, reveals how she almost died from sepsis after undergoing a £3,000 'VIP' Brazilian 'bum lift' at a Turkish clinic promoted by Katie Price

A mother who travelled to Turkey for a Brazilian bum lift at a 'VIP' clinic recommended by Katie Price was left fighting for life after sepsis took hold.

Katrina Harrison, 33, said she knew something was wrong following the surgery at Comfort Zone Cosmetic Surgery clinic in Istanbul after experiencing agonising pain.

After enquiring why she was bleeding and leaking from the hip and buttocks area where fat had been inserted the beautician was repeatedly told that 'it was all normal'.
Injecting fat into her butt so she can look like a friggin' hottentot! FAIL.

She told The Mirror: 'A nurse told me if I had waited just one hour longer to call an ambulance, I would be dead. The operation had caused stomas - pockets of fluid - in my stomach. They'd become infected. I really felt like I was dying.'


07-22-2019, 05:51 PM
What's with this "Mother of One" headline? What does that have to do with anything? A "single mother" thinks she should spend money on lifting her saggy ass? Looks like her boob bolt-ons and her collagen injections worked fine. Two out of three ain't bad. Sucks to be her, the ridiculous twat. You get what you pay for. I only feel sorry for her kid, with this freak for a mother.

Cracka Jack
07-22-2019, 06:25 PM
Can you say burner? Hopefully the thing was made sterile by the procedure.
Steatopygia is for nigger sows you dumb @@$%


07-22-2019, 07:12 PM
Steatopygia is for nigger sows you dumb

Apparently, this is now the ideal for brainwashed, dumbass, empty-headed, social media addicted burners:


07-22-2019, 07:19 PM
What's with this "Mother of One" headline? What does that have to do with anything? A "single mother" thinks she should spend money on lifting her saggy ass? Looks like her boob bolt-ons and her collagen injections worked fine. Two out of three ain't bad. Sucks to be her, the ridiculous twat. You get what you pay for. I only feel sorry for her kid, with this freak for a mother.

This is the same rhetoric used by the left after a vioent nigger is vetnilated by either a cop or a rival thug. "Father of(insert number of sprogs). It is as if they think because it fathered some shitlets that it has an excuse for TNB.

07-22-2019, 09:02 PM
"Father of(insert number of sprogs). It is as if they think because it fathered some shitlets that it has an excuse for TNB.

Oh, I know! "Innocent, Loving Father of Six Shot by Evil Nigger-Hating Cops". Libtard press trying to make us feel sorry for some shifty criminal nigger who probably doesn't even how many or even the names of any sprogs his sows squatted and shat out and has never paid a dime for them. It would be funny if it weren't so transparently manipulative. The media plays a very big part of all the BS we see today.

Tar Remover
07-23-2019, 10:39 PM
What a loser.