View Full Version : Whitey's on the Moon

SC Anemia
07-14-2019, 10:47 PM
50 years ago tomorrow, Apollo 11 launched for the moon. While that was happening, a horde of niggers congregated at Kennedy Space Center to bitch and complain about :gibs


Niggers NEVER change. It's always about gibsmedat.

date was 15 July 1969. As the Saturn V rocket towered over the launchpad, about to send the first men to the moon, two dozen black families from poor parts of the south, accompanied by mules and wagons emblematic of the civil rights movement, marched to the fence of Cape Kennedy in Florida. From a bird’s eye view, they would have resembled dwarves in the wake of a colossus.

They were led by Ralph Abernathy, successor to the slain Martin Luther King as head of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC). He carried a sign that said bluntly: “$12 a day to feed an astronaut. We could feed a starving child for $8.” He told a rally at the site: “We may go on from this day to Mars and to Jupiter and even to the heavens beyond, but as long as racism, poverty and hunger and war prevail on the Earth, we as a civilised nation have failed.”

Nope. Niggers as a species have failed. They failed 50 years ago and continue to fail today. Nothing ever changes.


07-15-2019, 02:10 AM
We should change that. We should land all the niggers on the sun. At night of course.

Cracka Jack
07-15-2019, 06:15 AM
They should have given the snivelers front row seats to the launch. On the launch pad type front row.

07-15-2019, 03:32 PM
We could feed a starving child for $8.”

Guess what, taxpayers were already paying a lot more than $8 each to feed millions of niggers. What did we get for it? More and more niggers, a new generation every 12-15 years instead of the usual 25. If we spent $100 a day each feeding the mere dozens of astronauts we had at NASA's peak, that was at least an investment.

Ever since that God damned opportunist LBJ started his "Great Society," we've spent enough money to feed and house worthless niggers to fund NASA for 500 years, and that's not an exaggeration. We've spent $22 trillion since the 1960s, and if we underestimate that half went to niggers, do the math against NASA's annual $19 billion budget.

07-15-2019, 03:43 PM
Guess what, taxpayers were already paying a lot more than $8 each to feed millions of niggers. What did we get for it? More and more niggers, a new generation every 12-15 years instead of the usual 25. If we spent $100 a day each feeding the mere dozens of astronauts we had at NASA's peak, that was at least an investment.

Ever since that God damned opportunist LBJ started his "Great Society," we've spent enough money to feed and house worthless niggers to fund NASA for 500 years, and that's not an exaggeration. We've spent $22 trillion since the 1960s, and if we underestimate that half went to niggers, do the math against NASA's annual $19 billion budget.

You said what we're all thinking.

Tar Remover
07-16-2019, 10:33 PM
Guess what, taxpayers were already paying a lot more than $8 each to feed millions of niggers. What did we get for it? More and more niggers, a new generation every 12-15 years instead of the usual 25. If we spent $100 a day each feeding the mere dozens of astronauts we had at NASA's peak, that was at least an investment.

Ever since that God damned opportunist LBJ started his "Great Society," we've spent enough money to feed and house worthless niggers to fund NASA for 500 years, and that's not an exaggeration. We've spent $22 trillion since the 1960s, and if we underestimate that half went to niggers, do the math against NASA's annual $19 billion budget.

Well said, Mr. Sandman. My thoughts exactly.