View Full Version : Volvo considering leaving Sweden because of out of control sandnigger immigrant crime

Whitey Ford
07-14-2019, 03:40 AM
Volvo CEO Says Company May Leave Sweden Partly Due To Rise in Violent Crime

The CEO of Volvo warns that the company is considering moving its headquarters out of Sweden in the future, partly due to a rise in violent crime.

Håkan Samuelsson told a conference that the car maker was losing its appeal to foreign experts and engineers and further explained his concerns during an interview with SVD Näringsliv.


“We are building cars, we cannot solve the other problems, someone else must do that,” the CEO said, adding that it is becoming more difficult to attract workers due to Sweden’s worsening reputation.

“It’s definitely not helping when people read about shootings in Gothenburg and wonder if they really dare to move to Gothenburg,” said Samuelsson.

If the situation does not improve, the CEO warned that the company may even have to consider leaving Sweden in the future.

“Often people believe that decisions like these are taken by senior management or in China. But the fact is that we will only place our headquarters in a country where things work. At the moment, we are not close to such a discussion. But yes, it is something that might happen in the future,” said Samuelsson.


07-14-2019, 01:37 PM
The iconic manufacturer will be driven out of the country because Sweden prefers to let violent muzzies enter in droves. I guess there is no hope.

07-14-2019, 01:53 PM
They let the dunecoons and niggers in, now live with it dip shits :lol

07-14-2019, 02:03 PM
You would think that this would open the eyes of the "tolerant" but it never does. I have visited a lot of countries when I was in the military from 3rd world shitholes to formally nice countries like Sweden. It really is saddening to see what they once were knowing that the USA is not far behind that trend.

07-14-2019, 02:24 PM
You would think that this would open the eyes of the "tolerant" but it never does. I have visited a lot of countries when I was in the military from 3rd world shitholes to formally nice countries like Sweden. It really is saddening to see what they once were knowing that the USA is not far behind that trend.

This is way Trump is trying to put a stop to it and the globalists agenda.

Whitey Ford
07-14-2019, 09:15 PM
The iconic manufacturer will be driven out of the country because Sweden prefers to let violent muzzies enter in droves. I guess there is no hope.

They are de-industrializing Sweden from the looks of it. The iconic Husqvarna Motorcycles they used to manufacture were sold and moved to Austria. When I was a kid, the most wanted dirt bikes were "huskies", every kid wanted one. They used to make Hagstrom musical instruments as well, in fact their bass guitars were considered to be some of the best in the world. I own one. They moved that to China, machinery, tools, brand and all. I heard that Volvo was already sold to the Chinese. (https://www.media.volvocars.com/global/en-gb/media/pressreleases/247393/volvo-cars-sets-new-global-sales-record-in-2018-breaks-600000-sales-milestone)

Volvo Cars has been under the ownership of the Zhejiang Geely Holding (Geely Holding) of China since 2010.
And they moving towards a cashless, credit based society really fast.
In Sweden, cash is almost extinct and people implant microchips in their hands to pay for things (https://business.financialpost.com/news/economy/swedens-push-to-get-rid-of-cash-has-some-saying-not-so-fast)

They practically gutted their industrial base and are now going cashless, making any private transaction almost impossible. Add that to the fact that they are importing mass amounts of sandmonkeys and niggers and you have one hell of a bad situation. Seriously, Sweden need to wake the hell up.

Rape Ape
07-14-2019, 09:30 PM
This is the cost of cuckoldry. Soon Sweden will be stripped bare into a third world shithole, then the shitbeasts will spread their locust wings and swarm away to find fresh crops to devour. Locusts, all of them.

07-14-2019, 10:55 PM
I had no idea about the microchip thing. Wow.

On going cashless:

We need to pause and think about whether this is good or bad, and not just sit back and let it happen
Mats Dillén

They need to think about the Africoons and Muzzie infestation. If not they won't need to worry about cash or anything else.

07-14-2019, 11:23 PM
About 20 years ago or so, I bought a Volvo. Was like a S80 or something, was expensive, comfortable and really freaking safe.

At the time (not sure if it still is like that), if you bought one of their cars that wasn't on the lot and they had to build it, they would fly you out there, put you up in a hotel for two nights and let you drive your car off the assembly line and take a mini-vacation. It was actually really fun back then. I remember sitting at a restaurant and thinking that most of the women there were beautiful and that there were ZERO minorities cluttering up things. Sad to hear how things turned out.

Tar Remover
07-15-2019, 05:48 AM
Congratulations, Sweden. Idiots.