View Full Version : 'Afrofuture' music nigger fest charges Whitey twice as much for tickets than niggers

Whitey Ford
07-07-2019, 02:05 PM
A music and arts festival in Detroit is charging fans different prices depending on their skin colour.
The controversial pricing plan has led to one artist pulling out of the event, saying she was "enraged" by the policy.
The organisers of the AfroFuture Fest, set for 3-4 August, are charging lower rates for tickets bought by "people of colour" than for "non-people of colour".
Early bird tickets for "POC" were $10 and $20 for "Non-POC".
There were also some "POC" tickets which were free but they have now sold out.
Later date pricing offers "POC" tickets for $20 and "Non-POC" tickets for $40.

And the niggers can't even spell correctly.

The organisers explained their pricing in the "frequently asked questions" section of their event website.
It stated: "Why do we have POC (people of colour) and Non-POC (white people) tickets? I'm glad you asked! Equality means treating everyone the same.
"Equity is insuring (sic) everyone has what they need to be successful. Our ticket structure was built to insure (sic) that the most marginalised communities (people of colour) are provided with an equitable chance at enjoying events in their own community (black Detroit)."


LeeRoy Jenkums
07-07-2019, 02:07 PM
Place is just a nigger fuxated chimpout waiting to happen, anyway.

Any 'non-POC' that go to that event get what they deserve anyway.

Rape Ape
07-07-2019, 03:16 PM
You could give the tickets away for free and I wouldn't want them. Except maybe to scalp to some dumb ass nigger or niggerlover to part the fools with their money.

07-07-2019, 04:48 PM
Could it be that the promoters are smart and want to make an excuse for why self-respecting humans wouldn't attend even if tickets were given away?

Nah. They're just racists. The true racists.