View Full Version : Buck Tyrese gets his batwings

LeeRoy Jenkums
07-05-2019, 07:27 AM
https://www-m.cnn.com/2019/06/30/us/tyrese-garvin-shot-hospital-babies/index.html?r=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.cnn.com%2F%3Frefres h%3D1

Christopher 2X.

(CNN) — A Kentucky groid who was shot while on his way home from visiting his newborn twin sprogs got his batwings Friday in the same hospital where he had just become a buck.
Nigger Tyrese Garvin, 20, was shot multiple times on June 23 after leaving University Hospital in Louisville, according to CNN affiliate WAVE.
He spent several days in the ICU in the same hospital where his sproglets, a shitlet and a she-boon, were in the maternity ward.
He was pronounced daid on Friday, family spokesman Christopher 2X told WAVE 3 News.

Master Sergeant
07-05-2019, 09:55 AM
Surprised he was even at the hospital for the birff. He just wanted a few pictures with his shitlettes so that when he's on trial for a future murder the defense attorney can show them to the court in the hopes of sympathy.

LeeRoy Jenkums
07-05-2019, 11:02 AM
Surprised he was even at the hospital for the birff. He just wanted a few pictures with his shitlettes so that when he's on trial for a future murder the defense attorney can show them to the court in the hopes of sympathy.

To be fair, lots of gibs at the hospital for the birff and stuff. When my daughter was born, we had a suite next to a sow who birfed a sprog, and her whole Goddamn fambly moved in. Mammy, sister sows, and their baby sprogs...there was cable TV, DVD, flat screen, room service...

I wondered at the time why the whole fambly moved in.

Now, I understand.

07-05-2019, 11:24 AM
To be fair, lots of gibs at the hospital for the birff and stuff. When my daughter was born, we had a suite next to a sow who birfed a sprog, and her whole Goddamn fambly moved in. Mammy, sister sows, and their baby sprogs...there was cable TV, DVD, flat screen, room service...

I wondered at the time why the whole fambly moved in.

Now, I understand.

Room service on top of all that, and they'll just have it put on the bill with everything else, right? The best gibs that taxpayers can provide.

LeeRoy Jenkums
07-05-2019, 11:28 AM
Room service on top of all that, and they'll just have it put on the bill with everything else, right? The best gibs that taxpayers can provide.


SC Anemia
07-05-2019, 11:33 AM
"Then, something like this happens and his children will never get to know him. That's sad."


LeeRoy Jenkums
07-05-2019, 11:39 AM