View Full Version : Smithsonian: 1 in 4 cowboys were niggers

Whitey Ford
07-04-2019, 11:51 PM
The Lesser-Known History of African-American Cowboys

One in four cowboys was black. So why aren’t they more present in popular culture?

In his 1907 autobiography, cowboy Nat Love recounts stories from his life on the frontier so cliché, they read like scenes from a John Wayne film. He describes Dodge City, Kansas, a town smattered with the romanticized institutions of the frontier: “a great many saloons, dance halls, and gambling houses, and very little of anything else.” He moved massive herds of cattle from one grazing area to another, drank with Billy the Kid and participated in shootouts with Native peoples defending their land on the trails. And when not, as he put it, “engaged in fighting Indians,” he amused himself with activities like “dare-devil riding, shooting, roping and such sports.”

Though Love’s tales from the frontier seem typical for a 19th-century cowboy, they come from a source rarely associated with the Wild West. Love was African-American, born into slavery near Nashville, Tennessee.

Freed blacks skilled in herding cattle found themselves in even greater demand when ranchers began selling their livestock in northern states, where beef was nearly ten times more valuable than it was in cattle-inundated Texas. The lack of significant railroads in the state meant that enormous herds of cattle needed to be physically moved to shipping points in Kansas, Colorado and Missouri. Rounding up herds on horseback, cowboys traversed unforgiving trails fraught with harsh environmental conditions and attacks from Native Americans defending their lands.

African-American cowboys faced discrimination in the towns they passed through—they were barred from eating at certain restaurants or staying in certain hotels, for example—but within their crews, they found respect and a level of equality unknown to other African-Americans of the era.

Love recalled the camaraderie of cowboys with admiration. “A braver, truer set of men never lived than these wild sons of the plains whose home was in the saddle and their couch, mother earth, with the sky for a covering,” he wrote. “They were always ready to share their blanket and their last ration with a less fortunate fellow companion and always assisted each other in the many trying situations that were continually coming up in a cowboy's life.”


SC Anemia
07-05-2019, 01:11 AM
A Fistfull of Foodstamps

Bwahahahaha :rofl

07-05-2019, 01:57 AM
Ah, we wuz kings and sheeeeit, now we wuz cowboys. You niggers were just boys. Another fantasy bull. But then again niggers were the original Indians as well.

07-05-2019, 02:09 AM
I'm still waiting for you to release "a few stamps more".

07-05-2019, 06:34 AM
Obviously "Pale Rider" was not about nigger cowboys

07-05-2019, 06:44 AM
"Billy the Kid" was really "Billy the Coon"

07-05-2019, 06:45 AM
The Chisolm Trail was really The Chimpout Trail

LeeRoy Jenkums
07-05-2019, 07:11 AM
Chimpout at the OK Corral.

07-05-2019, 09:44 AM
This could be greater than our threads of niggerized James Bond titles!

The Made Good, the Ugly, and the Skank
How the Hood Was Wunz an Sheeit
True Muh Dikk
High Midnight
The Sprogs of Katelisha Elder
3:10 to Compton
High As Sheeit Drifter

SC Anemia
07-05-2019, 02:01 PM
Could you imagine the butt-hurt apes and libtard idiots if Blazing Saddles were released today?


07-05-2019, 09:40 PM
No Name on the Blunt

SC Anemia
07-06-2019, 12:00 AM
So I guess 'Hang 'Em High' wont be a remake? :lol


07-06-2019, 11:32 AM
Chimpout at the OK Corral.


07-07-2019, 05:33 AM
Ok. I was bored...

The Good Nigger, The Bad Nigger, and The Ugly Nigger.
Django Rechained
The Hateful Eight Niggers
The Magic-Nigger Seven
Two Moolies For Sistah Sara
High At Noon
3:10 To Baltimore
The Legend Of The Lone Wrangler
Dances With Burners
Don'Tavious and Mrs. Miller
The Quick and The Dead Nigger
Open Range Niggers
The Man Who Shot Jartavious Valence
High Plains Raper
Few A Few Dollars A Nigger Will Kill You
Crack Ballou
The Failed Train Robbery
Rio Negro
The Negrocheros
Posse From Compton
The Nigger Not The Nig (little arcane, The Singer Not The Song)
Six Black Niggers
Bullet For A Bad Nigger
The Last Nigger To Santa Cruz
The Bucks of Burner Elder
A Big Pimp Hand For The Little Lady
The Ballad Of Josephus
40 Hi-Points To Apache West
Between God, A Nigger, And A Winchester
Guns For DaQuan Sebastian
A Minute To Pray, A Second To Chimp
The Shakiest Nigger In The West
Butch Tranny And The Sundance Nog
Death Of An Armed Robber
Hi-Points Of The Magic Nigger Seven
Mackenna's Gold Teef
Paint Your Hooptie
True Chimp
The Burden Of Cable Hogue
The Cockeyed Silverbacks Of Calico County
Have A Good Funeral My Friend...The Nigger Won't Pay
I Am Lemonjello, Trade My Hi-Point For A Coffin
There Was A Crooked Nigger...
Twenty Paces To Muh-Dik
Chato's Gibs
Molly And A Lawless Buck
A Reason To Chimp, A Reason To Die
Cahill, U.S. Nigger Wrangler
I Will Chimp No More Forever
Rooster Froburn
The Duchess And The Swampwater Nigger
The Last Hard Niggers
The Return Of A Horse Called Nigger
Comes A Darkman
Hot Lead And Cold Niggers
Butch And Sundance: The Early Down-Low
The Electric Horse Prod
Bronco Willie
Kenny Rogers as The Wrangler
The Buck From Snowy River
The Wild Burners Of Chastity Gulch
Lone Wolf Muh-Qualude
Calamity Jemima
The Negro Beanfield War
Once Upon A Texas Subway
Where The Hell's That Gold Toof'd Nigger?
The Burner Whisperer

Tar Remover
07-07-2019, 07:24 AM
Ok. I was bored...

The Good Nigger, The Bad Nigger, and The Ugly Nigger.
Django Rechained
The Hateful Eight Niggers
The Magic-Nigger Seven
Two Moolies For Sistah Sara
High At Noon
3:10 To Baltimore
The Legend Of The Lone Wrangler
Dances With Burners
Don'Tavious and Mrs. Miller
The Quick and The Dead Nigger
Open Range Niggers
The Man Who Shot Jartavious Valence
High Plains Raper
Few A Few Dollars A Nigger Will Kill You
Crack Ballou
The Failed Train Robbery
Rio Negro
The Negrocheros
Posse From Compton
The Nigger Not The Nig (little arcane, The Singer Not The Song)
Six Black Niggers
Bullet For A Bad Nigger
The Last Nigger To Santa Cruz
The Bucks of Burner Elder
A Big Pimp Hand For The Little Lady
The Ballad Of Josephus
40 Hi-Points To Apache West
Between God, A Nigger, And A Winchester
Guns For DaQuan Sebastian
A Minute To Pray, A Second To Chimp
The Shakiest Nigger In The West
Butch Tranny And The Sundance Nog
Death Of An Armed Robber
Hi-Points Of The Magic Nigger Seven
Mackenna's Gold Teef
Paint Your Hooptie
True Chimp
The Burden Of Cable Hogue
The Cockeyed Silverbacks Of Calico County
Have A Good Funeral My Friend...The Nigger Won't Pay
I Am Lemonjello, Trade My Hi-Point For A Coffin
There Was A Crooked Nigger...
Twenty Paces To Muh-Dik
Chato's Gibs
Molly And A Lawless Buck
A Reason To Chimp, A Reason To Die
Cahill, U.S. Nigger Wrangler
I Will Chimp No More Forever
Rooster Froburn
The Duchess And The Swampwater Nigger
The Last Hard Niggers
The Return Of A Horse Called Nigger
Comes A Darkman
Hot Lead And Cold Niggers
Butch And Sundance: The Early Down-Low
The Electric Horse Prod
Bronco Willie
Kenny Rogers as The Wrangler
The Buck From Snowy River
The Wild Burners Of Chastity Gulch
Lone Wolf Muh-Qualude
Calamity Jemima
The Negro Beanfield War
Once Upon A Texas Subway
Where The Hell's That Gold Toof'd Nigger?
The Burner Whisperer

HAHAHA!!! Hot Lead and Cold Niggers!!!!!!:rofl:rofl:rofl

Tar Remover
07-07-2019, 07:33 AM
The Commanchigguns
Pale Nigger
The Magnificent 'Foty
A Fist Full of Jenkem
For a Few Nigger Whores
Loathesome Coon
The Afro Dumpling Gang
The Dollahsto'
Negro Grande

Whitey Ford
07-07-2019, 01:44 PM
I'm still waiting for you to release "a few stamps more".

Actually, a whole nigger Western thread might be funny. :lmao

Rape Ape
07-07-2019, 03:12 PM
Well, of course the were. Unlike the movies, in those days coyboys were basically low wage field hands whose job it was to babysit cows. I mean, what else was a nigger going to be? A doctor? An inventor? A scientist? A great author?

07-07-2019, 04:47 PM
Ok. I was bored...

Paint Your Hooptie

That one especially! With the famous song, "I Muh Dikk the Trees."



07-07-2019, 06:23 PM
Actually, a whole nigger Western thread might be funny. :lmao

Clint and Lee Van Cleef were great in these spaghetti westerns.
So now we're going to have shithole nigger westerns.

Cracka Jack
07-07-2019, 07:53 PM
High Yellow Grifter
The Man Who Shot Michael Brown
Once Upon a Time in the Hood
Aneeshia Get Yo Gat
Coon Town
Kang of the Bullwhip
The Texan meets Chlamydia Janiqua
The Last of the Wakandans
Bootlip Hill
The Marshall of Wind Chime Hollow


07-07-2019, 10:53 PM
Well, of course the were. Unlike the movies, in those days coyboys were basically low wage field hands whose job it was to babysit cows. I mean, what else was a nigger going to be? A doctor? An inventor? A scientist? A great author?

This is 100% accurate. It's not like they were gunslingers, they were more or less cattle dogs.

07-08-2019, 04:37 AM
There's a western I remember: Will Penny, with Charlton Heston. The remake would be Will Smiff.

Midnig Cowboy

Tar Remover
07-17-2019, 05:15 AM
High Yellow Grifter
The Man Who Shot Michael Brown
Once Upon a Time in the Hood
Aneeshia Get Yo Gat
Coon Town
Kang of the Bullwhip
The Texan meets Chlamydia Janiqua
The Last of the Wakandans
Bootlip Hill
The Marshall of Wind Chime Hollow


How the Nest Was Won
The Coonboys
Chiggun Cogburn
True Grits
Batwings For Sistuh Sarah

07-17-2019, 09:46 AM

That one especially has me :rofl

Marschall D'illionius, Kestuh, and Ho Kitty.

SC Anemia
07-17-2019, 10:01 AM
Marschall D'illionius, Kestuh, and Ho Kitty.

7587 :rofl

07-17-2019, 10:04 AM

That could be a new smilie! Like Tommy Lee's stare and "You're a special kind of stupid" in one.