View Full Version : Outrage Over VIDEO of Muslim Prayer in Danish School Not Intended for Public Eye

Whitey Ford
06-28-2019, 08:53 PM

In the controversial video, pupils chant “Allahu Akbar” (“Allah is greater”) and kneel to the ground under the supervision of a female teacher who gives clear instructions about how this is done.

A video of Danish children being trained how to perform a Muslim prayer has gone viral in Denmark, triggering strong reactions from politicians and ordinary Danes.

In the video, a boy of African descent dressed in Muslim clothes demonstrates the Islamic prayer to a group of predominantly ethnically Danish peers. Then, he is interrupted by the teacher who instructs the kids to say “Allahu Akbar”, whereupon the entire class kneels in prayer.

While the video was not dated, Danish TV2 later found out that the prayer took place at Thyregod School in Velje municipality in southern Jutland in November 2018.


06-29-2019, 06:52 PM
If I had a kid in that school they would be pulled INSTANTLY from when that video was made. I would demand they have christian prayer instruction and if they didn't I would sue the ever loving shit out of them. These liberals are littleraly opening the door for their own destruction.