View Full Version : Maine Needed New, Young Residents. African Migrants Began Arriving by the Dozens.

Whitey Ford
06-24-2019, 12:47 PM

Maine has long wrestled with an aging work force, and some leaders view immigrants as a welcome answer to the state’s struggles to lure younger people to live and work here. Still, the sheer numbers — and the suddenness of the latest arrivals — have opened up a debate about how much Portland should be doing to help immigrants and whether it should entice more of them to come.

“If we have discovered the magic wand that will bring young families to Portland to help us build the next generation, why would we want to stop that, especially when it costs us so little money?” Ethan Strimling, Portland’s mayor, said.

Among Portland’s residents and even some of the families arriving from Africa, it is uncertain how this place became such a draw.


06-24-2019, 02:08 PM
Portland used to be nice. It is yet another place to be ruined by the liberal handling of niggers. Welfare has always been the main way to draw in niggers. But these idiots do not understand that as your tax burden increases beyond the tax payer, that little amount of money becomes unsustainable. But that answer to that is also more niggers...

06-24-2019, 04:20 PM
Businesses are moving out on droves, so are the wealthy (which own most of the larger corps) Same goes for California and a lot of the west coast states. If it's run by liberal cuck democrats it's definitely going to turn into a shithole.

06-24-2019, 05:41 PM
What is this "migrants" crap? They are not migrants or refugees. They are an invading horde, a pestilence, a destructive and parasitic infestation. Oh, Maine. My husband and I loved visiting there - one of our favorite US destinations. I guess niggers have ruined that too.

06-24-2019, 09:33 PM
I was just in Portland for a short vacation a few weeks ago. I only noticed maybe 1/2 dozen niggers in 2 days. I guess I was visiting the right areas. :lol

Was it before 4PM? Might explain it...:lol

Tar Remover
06-26-2019, 04:44 AM
"Maine has long wrestled with an aging work force,"

Apparently, Maine has long wrestled with nigger dick loving liberals.