View Full Version : Britcucks build 'Windrush' memorial to commemorate nigger colonization of Britain

Whitey Ford
06-22-2019, 09:38 PM
Windrush memorial to be erected at London's Waterloo Station (https://archive.fo/OoA5c#selection-375.1-375.61)

Windrush (https://www.bl.uk/learning/timeline/item107829.html) was a ship that brought Jamaican immigrant niggers to Britain.

It is being backed by £1m in funding by the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government for a "lasting, fitting tribute".
Theresa May said: "This monument will be seen by millions of people from all around the world who pass through this station each year, and will be a lasting legacy to the tremendous contribution the Windrush generation and their children have made to our great country."

"Tremendous contribution." LOL @ that.
