View Full Version : Niggers rob muslim mobile phone shop. In Ireland.

Whitey Ford
06-17-2019, 02:48 PM
Alright, this so-called diversity shit needs to stop right now.


Syed Adnan Shah, the owner of Mr iPhone in Phibsborough said his store was left "practically empty" after the robbery.

Dublin Live reports that Shah was talking on the phone to a family member back home when the two Africans entered his store wishing to purchase an iphone 6 at about 10:30AM last Monday.

When he turned his back to pick a phone from a display case, one of the men jumped over the counter, cornered Shah and threatened him with a knife which Shah described as being three inches wide and six inches long.

One of the Africans also ripped a heavy gold chain from Shah's neck which he said was valued at €2,000 and they demanded his keys and wallet.

The men locked the shop and proceeded to fill their bags with phones. Shah was told he would be stabbed if he shouted for help.

06-17-2019, 02:56 PM
You expect that in Detroit, London, Paris, or Berlin. But Ireland?! Our Western governments are making us commit cultural suicide.