View Full Version : Now dictionaries are racist

06-09-2019, 02:29 PM
“Let’s Change The Old, Insulting, Abusive, Objectionable, Hostile, Attacking Definition Of ‘Black/ black,’” wrote one Twitter user. “It’s Not Who We Are Or What We a Stand For. So Let’s Move To Change It And Proudly Represent BLACK, As We Really Are.”

Women of color online are speaking out because they believe “how we define words changes our perception,” explains one social media user, Nyshayla Barnes, a 20-year-old college student and one of the first few to call out Dicitonary.com online.

“If a young Black person saw and learned these definitions for ‘Black,’ they would be unintentionally learning to hate themselves. The statement: Sticks and stones may break your bones, but words do not, is untrue,” Barnes tells Yahoo Lifestyle.


So words break bones? That's what that niggeress in "college" is saying. And look at all the unnecessary capitalization and commas, like they're trying to write like the Founding Fathers.

Here's the thing: if niggers really had the brains to understand what they are, they would hate themselves. Like we say, if we judged them by the content of their character, they'd beg us to judge them by the color of their skin.

The Mr. Sandman Modern American Dictionary would have this: "adj. Often used to describe dark-skinned proto-hominids which are often mistaken as belonging to the human species. Describing them by a color is inappropriate for them since the word nigger is a better description."


06-09-2019, 02:35 PM
I just came here to post that.

Let's just go back to calling them niggers. It was raciss to call them negroes, then colored, now black. We gave you three chances to rename your shitty race, now we should go back to calling them what they really are.

Tar Remover
06-10-2019, 01:01 AM
Good. I can continue to call them niggers. And they SHOULD hate themselves. In fact, they should get up every morning and drink a gallon of Draino for breakfast.

06-10-2019, 11:15 AM
Good. I can continue to call them niggers. And they SHOULD hate themselves. In fact, they should get up every morning and drink a gallon of Draino for breakfast.

Anyone who smells worst than a skunk should hate themselves.

Sheboon DeLuxe
06-10-2019, 11:46 AM
The comments give me hope. Nigger fatigue is deepening.

Whitey Ford
06-10-2019, 07:28 PM
Dictionary.com reveals plans to update the definition of the word 'black' after being branded racist for using 'devilish' and 'dirty' as synonyms (https://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-7123433/Dictionary-com-reveal-plans-update-definition-word-black-branded-racist.html)

Online word site Dictionary.com has revealed its plans to update their definition of 'black' after being branded racist.

Nyshayla Barnes, 21, an artist from New Jersey, took to Twitter to voice her discomfort at the words associated with the term.

Posting a screengrab of the synonyms alongside 'black', she revealed how words including 'dark, dingy, depressing, devilish and sinful' were listed.

Boy, these niggers sure do have a lot of time on their hands. Maybe they could get a job instead of looking for things to be offended by?

And further explaining her point, she added: 'We are not taking offense to the word 'Black'. That is our identity. We have a problem with the other words that are associated with Black that don't need to be associated with it at all'.

We have a lot of words to associate with that. LOL

Another added: 'As a black man, it's embarrassing what we as black Americans cry about. If dictionarycom changes this they don't deserve respect. Next white people can not wear cloths that are black. Get in the real fight for justice and not have a Trump ( simple) mindset.'

Trump makes millions off of real estate and is considered "simple" by niggers who live their entire lives on welfare. LOL


Tar Remover
06-10-2019, 10:23 PM
Anyone who smells worst than a skunk should hate themselves.:lmao

06-10-2019, 11:10 PM
If ya really want to see them chimp, show them the word black in a Spanish to English or Portuguese to English dictionary...