View Full Version : Time for yet another boycott

06-05-2019, 10:05 AM
Some nigger sow rapper who goes by the name sza (yep, you read it correctly) has done been disrespekteded an' sheet when it was shopping at Sephora. It was trying to buy nigger "makeup" manufactured by another rapping sow, rihanna. The sow took to twitta, and let the nigger universe know how she was "racially profiled" by a store employee.
So now in a mad dash to save face, the company is closing it's stores for "diversity/sensitivity/inclusion training"... in other words, look the other way when a nigger is blatantly stealing.
This is just getting out of hand...
Entire article can be found here: https://people.com/style/sephora-close-stores-inclusion-training-sza-incident/

06-05-2019, 02:35 PM
No amount of makeup can make any negress look decent. Period. You can always see the animal/subhuman in their faces and skin.

Yes they are profiled because 9/10 times only nigger she-boons do a smash and grab and do some other shenanigans to steal. That's just facts, so what's wrong with having security around? Damn niggers always so uppity and making shit up. Seriously, the most entitled species.

They act like howling monkeys, no decorum, demand, and smell foul. And then demand to be treated MORE THAN humans. When will this coddling end? For every nigger that wasn't actually stealing, there's 10 more who are really stealing and doing felonies.

The city where this happened has many sand niggers, nigger basketball players (Odom, et. al.), Bieber, Jenners, Kartrashians, the list goes on. I know because I worked in the same area for too many years dealing with these black assholes. Oh yeah, the no talent Dr. Dre lives there too. I'm glad I'm in a better place these days.

Buck Simian
06-06-2019, 10:43 AM
Putting make up on a nigger is like putting perfume on a pig. Niggers aren't apes as we jokingly call them. They are some form of hybrid cockroach/primitive humanoid clone. 90% cockroach. They were put here by a alien species who either did it as the ultimate joke on humanity or as a way of destroying us. I am convinced that one day someone will develop some form of technology which will expose these niggers for the beings that they actually are. Maybe something as simple as a pair of sunglasses as in the movie They Live.


White Orchid
06-06-2019, 10:45 AM
My boycott list gets longer each day. Anyone who caters to/coddles niggers, burners, dune coons, and oil drillers no longer get my business