View Full Version : Body cams for service personnel ?

06-01-2019, 09:44 PM
There was a time in my youth I was telephone installer/repairman. I was lucky enough to have my work center in a predominately white populated area. This was before uncle sam stuck his dick into the phone company and fucked everything up. Today I'd be scared shitless with all of the false accusations where the niggers blame everyone for everything under the sun. I'd be wearing a cop camera to prove I didn't steal their life savings from their hidden coffee can. Being bonded doesn't protect you from false accusations if you have gutless nigger loving employers. I'm curious if any are in the service business wearing body cams just for that reason?

06-02-2019, 11:29 AM
I think that would fall under the same rules as being armed while working. Companies would not want it even if it was protecting their employees because the chances of a nigger lotto case is high. Companies would rather you take the fall or get your head smashed than protect yourself if it means it might hurt their bottom line.