View Full Version : Chimpouts every 36 hours at NigDonalds. Employees want OSHA to investigate. And they want $15/hr! :lol

Cracka Jack
05-22-2019, 07:47 PM
Play nigger games, win nigger prizes!!! :lol


I'm Luv'n it!!! :lmao

05-22-2019, 10:41 PM
So, they expect OSHA to hold McDonald's accountable for niggers acting like niggers? Niggers are a health and safety hazard that existed long before McDonald's showed up....but ok, I'll play along. Will OSHA rule that we need to put lockout devices on raging niggers? I can get behind that.

SC Anemia
05-23-2019, 12:04 AM
I was going to suggest that McNiggers install food ordering kiosks with a place to swipe an EBT card. Place it outdoors just ahead of the drive thru pick-up window. Oh, and fashion the pick-up window like a bank drive-up teller pass through.

Aw fuck it, you know the order kiosk wouldn't last 2 days. Probably wouldn't survive the first 400 lb. sow whose EBT card was declined.

Or....they could just sell salad and tofu burgers. :lol

05-23-2019, 10:38 AM
I can't feel sorry for any whites complaining about the work conditions. If you join the military or are a patrolman assigned to East Flatbush, you know there's a risk of dying. It goes with the territory. If you get a fast food job in Chimpcago, I can't feel sorry for you when niggers attack.

05-23-2019, 12:12 PM
They wanted it, they got it :lol

McNiggers 365 (https://www.mcdonalds.com/365black/en/home.html/)

Cracka Jack
05-23-2019, 04:19 PM
Or....they could just sell salad and tofu burgers. :lol

Hell No!! McNigs has been a major contributor to shortening niggers useless lives.

They should keep Cold 40's and Newports behind the counter as peace offerings to calm chimping niggers when the service is slow.

Rape Ape
05-23-2019, 05:28 PM
Hell No!! McNigs has been a major contributor to shortening niggers useless lives.

They should keep Cold 40's and Newports behind the counter as piece offerings to calm chimping niggers when the service is slow.

Niggers should be encouraged to play in the streets with the Diabetes Fairy and Cancer Claus as much as possible. Part of the food stamp program should be all the unfiltered, high pesticide, GMO full-strength Newports and Dioxin-Mentholated Kools the nigger can smoke. :lmao

Cracka Jack
05-23-2019, 06:19 PM
Niggers should be encouraged to play in the streets with the Diabetes Fairy and Cancer Claus as much as possible. Part of the food stamp program should be all the unfiltered, high pesticide, GMO full-strength Newports and Dioxin-Mentholated Kools the nigger can smoke. :lmao

All the free HFCS they can guzzle down their chiggun holes. Make it grape flavor, no way they can resist. :lol When their hearts (our whatever pumps a soulless niggers blood around) finally gives out, the carcasses would be useful in a blackout. Roll it face down, stick some rope in it's ass as a wick, and you've got a 4-5 day candle! :lol

Rape Ape
05-23-2019, 06:24 PM
All the free HFCS they can guzzle down their chiggun holes. Make it grape flavor, no way they can resist. :lol When their hearts (our whatever pumps a soulless niggers blood around) finally gives out, the carcasses would be useful in a blackout. Roll it face down, stick some rope in it's ass as a wick, and you've got a 4-5 day candle! :lol

Yeah, but I wouldn't want to be down-wind of that candle. :lol

05-29-2019, 07:58 PM
They wanted it, they got it :lol

McNiggers 365 (https://www.mcdonalds.com/365black/en/home.html/)

Holy shit that is still a thing and niggers haven't cashed in on ghetto lotto yet?

I feel like I want McNiggers to pay $15 an hour. This will inevitably speed up the transition to automation. Franchises will see profits go up after paying off the robot who is always busy. The robot never destroys the place when a rival sow demands a refund after eating 98% of its meal. Heck you might even be able to hit the drive through up for a milkshake without having to hear thumping bass and wondering if you are about to get carjacked.

Rape Ape
05-29-2019, 09:37 PM
I was going to suggest that McNiggers install food ordering kiosks with a place to swipe an EBT card. Place it outdoors just ahead of the drive thru pick-up window. Oh, and fashion the pick-up window like a bank drive-up teller pass through.

Aw fuck it, you know the order kiosk wouldn't last 2 days. Probably wouldn't survive the first 400 lb. sow whose EBT card was declined.

Or....they could just sell salad and tofu burgers. :lol

The first time the EBT card beez all rayciss and beez outta funz an sheeit, Stankqueefa the Hutt would throw the whole kiosk 50 feet and burn the place down. :lol

Tar Remover
05-30-2019, 10:07 AM
Maybe if McNiggers didn't hire and cater to niggers there wouldn't be so many issues......but I guess I'm just talking out of my ass here. :lol

Nope. You are Spot on, YT!

Tar Remover
05-30-2019, 10:12 AM
And McNiggers is going to provide training...…. Training in what?