View Full Version : Nigger Cop Gives Alcohol To A ONE Year Old

Master Sergeant
05-18-2019, 11:06 AM

Officer Robert Milton, 56, is accused of serving alcohol to turdlers ages one and six years old. The one-year-old turdler was identified as Milton’s biological hell spawn and the six year old is the turlder of a she boon he had been in a prior relationship with.

Rape Ape
05-18-2019, 01:09 PM
I guarantee the niglet spent 9 months swimming in alcohol in Mammy's colon before she crapped it out. :lmao

SC Anemia
05-18-2019, 01:24 PM
You can also bet your ass that his nest is a graveyard for empty Robitussin DM bottles too. Except Dolla stoh brand not actual Robitussin.
A nigger favorite to keep those damn keeids quiet.

Master Sergeant
05-18-2019, 01:34 PM
Inquiring minds want to know was it a VSOP Cognac, malted beverage or Gin and juice?

05-18-2019, 03:34 PM
You can also bet your ass that his nest is a graveyard for empty Robitussin DM bottles too. Except Dolla stoh brand not actual Robitussin.
A nigger favorite to keep those damn keeids quiet.

You seem to know the nigger beast very well :lol

SC Anemia
05-18-2019, 03:51 PM
You seem to know the nigger beast very well :lol

I majored in advanced niggerology with a minor in dindu. :lmao

Master Sergeant
05-18-2019, 11:36 PM
As one former member of Chimpout claimed the title of:

Professor Emeritus
Eastern Institute of Advanced Nigger Studies (EIANS)

If anyone knows he he was please speak up.

Buck Simian
05-19-2019, 11:27 AM
They were niglets, as far as I care he can give them bleach.

Rape Ape
05-19-2019, 11:46 AM
As one former member of Chimpout claimed the title of:

Professor Emeritus
Eastern Institute of Advanced Nigger Studies (EIANS)

If anyone knows he he was please speak up.

Wasn't that Ocho?

SC Anemia
05-19-2019, 01:38 PM
Wasn't that Ocho?


Dr. Octaves Charles Honegro III, CRC
Professor Emeritus
Afrocentric Incarceration Studies
NU, North Florida Campus

He's an active member still (I think) just hasn't posted anything.

Master Sergeant
05-19-2019, 05:50 PM
I recall a guy who went by "Skrimps" he had a boiled shrimp as his avatar. Every time I saw that shit I broke out in a belly laugh.