View Full Version : God delivers his promise to coalburner and nigger lover

King David
05-15-2019, 11:16 AM

Niggers=BEAST OF THE FIELDS EVERY COMMON SENSE HUMAN SHOULD KNOW www.fathersmanifesto.net/beast.htm

LEVITICUS 20:16 " And if any woman approaches a beast ( niggers sub-human children of SATAN ) and lie down with therto, both the woman and the beast will soon die, shall be put to death.

when will these white coal burners learn who date serpents and stop flipping the ALMIGHTY OFF!?

Blue Gum
05-15-2019, 01:22 PM
Moral of the story?

Hanging around/with niggers WILL get you murdered....lol

05-15-2019, 07:29 PM
God commanded humans not to lie down with beasts. I really abhor the nigger loving human whores who let a nigger a touch them, and so with oil drillers.

05-19-2019, 04:12 PM
I see new tee shirts on the horizon?

05-23-2019, 06:53 PM
Why won’t God answer my prayers about the Kardashians?

06-16-2019, 01:26 PM
Trigger nigger looks like it might have had a little run-in w/ fire at one time.