View Full Version : Burner wants ghetto lotto, claims teething necklace caused Sudden Niglet Goodness Syndrome

05-09-2019, 08:04 AM
She's not even suing the manufacturer, but the website she bought it from, never mind that it was her negligence to leave the necklace on.

In October of 2016, Deacon Morin was placed down for a nap at a childcare center in Fontana, Cali. During this time, the necklace, which was given to his mother, Danielle Morin, as a gift from a close friend, allegedly tightened around his neck and did not release. Deacon was discovered unresponsive and rushed to a hospital, where, five days later, Danielle took him off life support, ABC7 reported.


SC Anemia
05-09-2019, 11:25 AM
Baby necklaces, if you use a baby necklace, should have a releasing safety clasp so if there's any pulling on it, it releases," Danielle's attorney, John Carpenter, told CBS Los Angeles. "This one that was purchased on Etsy had a screw on clasp that could not be released. And so when baby Deacon was hung up on something, it didn't release and caused him to suffocate."

Let me represent Etsy for a second, I got this one.

ME: "This one did not feature a safety clasp?"
ME: "But you put it on the niglet anyway?"


Cat fur allergic
05-09-2019, 01:27 PM
Time to buy them for all the nigger kids out there.

05-09-2019, 01:49 PM
Fontana is a shithole. Rough part, we call it the armpit of the southland. Lots of niggers have moved from South Central LA to there. Where's the niglet's daddy? Long gone, or off to NU. Vile whore, this is nature's way of telling her she brought a useless POS into this world.

Rape Ape
05-09-2019, 06:05 PM
What? Was it contaminated with Sickle Cells? Or maybe soap or deodorant? :lol