View Full Version : Family of man shot and killed while committing home invasion: "How else was he supposed to get his money?"

Whitey Ford
05-02-2019, 08:24 AM

SC Anemia
05-02-2019, 11:01 AM
"How he gon git his money" A job maybe?

That is some of the dumbest shit. :columbo The thing that really strikes me is that those niggers REALLY DO think little Trayvon dindu nuffin. That burglarizing someone's home is no big deal. How the hell do you ever deal with that kind of mentality? More armed homeowners I guess. :lol

BTW extra points that its name was Trayvon :traybat

05-02-2019, 01:44 PM
What an extra dark snakehead nigger. Utterly revolting. Good it's dead.
If this was in CA, woman may be charged. The DA will say, he was outside of the house, you weren't in imminent danger, blah blah. But that's wrong. If the woman hesitated, nigger would've raped her, killed her, then steal. She did the right thing.
Negress whores say the same thing. He's into education. Good boy. Yeah niggers.

05-02-2019, 02:23 PM
Nigger whores with entitlement mentality deserve the same fate as Trayvon!

05-04-2019, 09:23 PM
I remember seeing this awhile back. No fucking loss. He wasn't going anywhere but NU. But had she called the police and say pressed charges those fucking sheboons would be burning her house down because "she shouldn't have pressed charges." Shooting that worthless piece of shit was the best option. Period.

Tar Remover
05-06-2019, 11:40 PM
GOOD! Nice shooting. And another bonus- She didn't contaminate her home with toxic nigger blood.:nfl

05-13-2019, 05:21 AM
Looks like the scamming foster mammy got into some hot water over this, court ordered that this goodified teenaper's foster siblings be taken from the nest. Mammy ooks and eeks in court:


05-13-2019, 08:54 AM
niggers always use the weirdest names.
why do they want human-like straight hair and human colored hair?

Rape Ape
05-13-2019, 09:26 AM
I agree with the fambly. How IS a nigger gonna get its money? In modern society, all niggers are capable of is welfare and crime. Better to ship the beasts back to the jungle where at least they can swing around in the trees, pick bananas, and muh-dik each other. Just trying to be humane to the animals... :lol