View Full Version : Illinois ‘gerrymandering’ unemployment data to get around food stamp work rule

Whitey Ford
04-30-2019, 07:43 AM
A group supportive of stronger work requirements for federal food assistance says states are unfairly manipulating employment data to get around work requirements.

Federal food assistance comes with a work requirement of at least 20 hours a week or the same amount of time training for work. A loophole allows for able-bodied food stamp recipients without dependents to not work if they’re in an area with at least 10 percent unemployment. While Illinois’ unemployment rate is half that, Foundation for Government Accountability research director Nic Horton says the state uses mathematical gimmicks to qualify for that waiver.

“They’re using that old unemployment data to justify getting these waivers,” he said.


Sheboon DeLuxe
04-30-2019, 11:24 AM
Statistics never lie, but liars use statistics.

SC Anemia
04-30-2019, 11:57 AM
A loophole allows for able-bodied food stamp recipients without dependents to not work if they’re in an area with at least 10 percent unemployment.

How pathetic is that? You can be able bodied, have no dependents and STILL collect :gibs ? Never mind the unemployment figures, that fact alone is pretty damn shameful.
