View Full Version : Yale grad magic sandnigger busted for conning investors out of cash for fake hedge fund

Whitey Ford
04-01-2019, 10:13 PM
Muh algorithms, muh hedge fund, muh returns.

In the aftermath of the college admissions scandal, some have asked what is the IRR on investing up to $1.2 million in a Yale education. Here is one answer.

Omar Zaki, a recent Yale grad was busted by the SEC on Monday which in a complaint accused the 21-year-old of running a hedge fund, Armitage Capital, while enrolled at the Ivy League university, and claiming to investors that his firm relied on an algorithm that had produced eye-popping returns over a 10-year period (which incidentally means he launched his quant trading career when he was 11).

This was one of many misrepresentations Zaki allegedly made to investors: in reality, not only did the fund never use any algorithm, but the Yale grad also misled investors about how much money he managed and wrongly reported returns in excess of 80% from December 2016 through early March 2017, Bloomberg reported.


SC Anemia
04-02-2019, 12:11 AM
Muh algorithms, muh hedge fund, muh returns.


Cracka Jack
04-02-2019, 09:05 AM
"But honey, if we DON'T invest with this young man of color, that would be racist."


Hope they all lost bigly! :lol

Whitey Ford
04-02-2019, 02:54 PM

Even niggers know that the concept of nigger financial management is a laughable concept. :lol
