View Full Version : Magic Science Nigger Study: White People eating habits are destructive to the environment!

Whitey Ford
03-29-2019, 12:39 PM
LOLZY! Science + nigger = retarded!

New Study Says One Group Has Worst Eating Habits For Environment: White People (https://archive.fo/06OOa#selection-199.0-199.78)

Magic Science Nigger Joe F. Bozeman of Environmental Science and Policy of the University of Illinois at Shitcago and the Diversity Science explains to us simple minded Whiteys how our stubborn refusal to give up meats and other foods are totally fucking up the world for poor, historically marginalized peoples of color. Shame on us. :lol
Looks like a down low 'Don Lemon' nigger.

The study’s authors, who were funded in part by the Institute for Environmental Science and Policy of the University of Illinois at Chicago and the Diversity Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics Fellowship from Bayer-Monsanto, posited that white people create more greenhouse gases because white people trigger an average of 680 kilograms of carbon dioxide each year by eating while “Latinx” people contribute 640 kilograms and blacks produce 600 kilograms. They wrote, “It follows from the work on environmental justice and culturally sensitive environmental education practices that inclusion of demographic variables be central to a field as diverse as climate change adaptation.”

A study paid for by Monsanto. That idiotic DNA editing company that kills honey bees off with GMO plants are lecturing us about environmental responsibility. :unigger

Results indicate that Whites tend to consume the highest rates of environmentally intense food items, except for the apples food item, when compared to their Black and Latinx counterparts. Comparing Whites to Latinx, Whites consume significantly more than Latinx for five of the seven environmentally intense food items. This pattern remains the same for beef meat although the difference between Whites and Latinx beef meat is marginally significant. Furthermore, Whites consume significantly more than Blacks for six of the seven food items but were equal (i.e., nonsignificant) to their Black counterparts in terms of oil consumption. The results comparing Blacks and Latinx are mixed, with the two groups showing no statistical difference in consumption of apples, beef meat, and wheat, and a marginal difference in consumption of water.

Overcoming climate change adaptation barriers: A study on food–energy–water impacts of the average American diet by demographic group (https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/jiec.12859)

White Orchid
03-29-2019, 12:57 PM

Sounds like more race-bashing hot air.

SC Anemia
03-29-2019, 01:41 PM

I would argue the opposite. Surely cows fart more than chickens, at least by volume. I know I'm doing my best to reduce the bovine population one t-bone at a time.

Just how much green house gas could a chicken possibly produce? Once again, lazy ass niggers not pulling their weight. :lol

Rape Ape
03-29-2019, 02:19 PM

I would argue the opposite. Surely cows fart more than chickens, at least by volume. I know I'm doing my best to reduce the bovine population one t-bone at a time.

Just how much green house gas could a chicken possibly produce? Once again, lazy ass niggers not pulling their weight. :lol

The problem is that when niggers eat the chiggunz, or anything else for that matter, they start ripping ass so nasty it peels paint. :lmao

And as far as being bad for the environment, look at what your typical welfare coon stuffs in its chikkin hole.. Processed pre-made frozen crap and fast food. All of which is extremely wasteful and unhealthy.

White Orchid
03-29-2019, 05:46 PM
And as far as being bad for the environment, look at what your typical welfare coon stuffs in its chikkin hole.. Processed pre-made frozen crap and fast food. All of which is extremely wasteful and unhealthy.

All the 'research' the above needs is one first of the month trip to a grocery store that accepts EBT. The shit in those nigger sows' carts makes my stomach turn. And it always isn't limited to one cart.

Buck Simian
03-29-2019, 09:14 PM
That niggers fur looks like it is trimmed all crooked. Maybe he needs to science that.

SC Anemia
03-29-2019, 09:48 PM
That niggers fur looks like it is trimmed all crooked. Maybe he needs to science that.

Also the last person to lecture me on diet. I'm betting the main item on his menu is dik. :lol

Cracka Jack
03-29-2019, 10:07 PM
Any nigger is to science as a loose stool movement is to the ingredients for cheesecake.

03-29-2019, 10:59 PM
You guys crack me up! BTW science nigger, I just had a 1-1/2" thick NY steak from Costco. Who cares what you think.