View Full Version : Double Goodness: Treasure shoots coalburner and then himself
Whitey Ford
03-28-2019, 01:34 PM
No sproglets. No expensive incarcerations at your taxpaying expense. No untidy messes for society to clean up other than a mop job of bloodstains. Wish all coalburners and colored jockers had this happy an ending.
Woman identified in apparent Spring Valley murder-suicide (
Officers found a feral nigger and mudshark in the front seat of a vehicle, suffering from gunshot wounds. She was pronounced dead at the scene and he was taken to University Medical Center Trauma in critical condition. He was later pronounced batwinged. Police identified him as 25-year-old Treasure Munhenga.
The mudshark was identified by the Clark County Coroner's office as Christina Marie Gallina, 18, from Henderson.
Midder Peenud Hayed
03-28-2019, 04:58 PM
Normally, I couldn't care less about the demise of a mudshark. In this case, the girl was just that -- an 18 y/o girl. She was someone's daughter. Without a doubt, this impressionable young girl was bamboozled by a sweet-talking nigger. I feel sorry for her parents and siblings.
I'm glad the nigger is good, but this is yet another example of the abject evil these feral hominids bring to Human society.
SC Anemia
03-28-2019, 07:03 PM
The sick bitch deserved it. I could care less how old she was. Ten years or a dozen niggers from now the whore would have shat out a handful of mutant sprogs and further polluted the world. I'm glad she got clicked before that happened.
03-28-2019, 08:31 PM
Normally, I couldn't care less about the demise of a mudshark. In this case, the girl was just that -- an 18 y/o girl. She was someone's daughter. Without a doubt, this impressionable young girl was bamboozled by a sweet-talking nigger. I feel sorry for her parents and siblings.
I'm glad the nigger is good, but this is yet another example of the abject evil these feral hominids bring to Human society.
I have mixed feelings on this. I agree with you that she was a girl, and the parents and family members are the ones really hurt, because they are still around. She, on the other hand, is dead.
She was someone's daughter, yes. I lament that she was a beautiful white human girl, BUT, why did she associate herself, or rather, why did she fuck a monkey? Common sense is needed - be called racist if need be, but keep away from the monkeys! Being that she's only 18, I'd give her not half of the blame but 30% of it.
The parents - why did they not teach her not to even associate with monkeys? I know the race mixing agenda has been pushed hard, and even seemingly decent white families now even adopt ugly sprogs. You know the show "What would you do?". It pushes race mixing and portrays nice blond girls with ugly ugly black as can be niggers. The oldies who disapprove - they are portrayed in a bad light.
In the end, while I can say I feel bad this happened to an otherwise nice looking gal, my final verdict is FOR THE WAGES OF SIN IS DEATH. Burning coal made her into a nigger, plain and simple. I lament that she was once a human, only to that extent. But that she got what she deserved, she AKSED for it. I am very happy there are no ugly half-breeds walking around.
It's wrong to mix yourself, a human, with an evil beast. I'm not trying to be religious, but I really believe niggers are not human and were put on this earth as devils to test us. I keep away from them, and tell my loved ones to do the same. Yes sometimes I get looked at weirdly by some relatives but I call a nigger a nigger.
That part of Vegas in actually nice. I have the feeling people are kinda uppity. But when there's niggers around, all bets are off.
Midder Peenud Hayed
03-28-2019, 10:25 PM
The parents - why did they not teach her not to even associate with monkeys? I know the race mixing agenda has been pushed hard, and even seemingly decent white families now even adopt ugly sprogs. You know the show "What would you do?". It pushes race mixing and portrays nice blond girls with ugly ugly black as can be niggers. The oldies who disapprove - they are portrayed in a bad light.
In the end, while I can say I feel bad this happened to an otherwise nice looking gal, my final verdict is FOR THE WAGES OF SIN IS DEATH. Burning coal made her into a nigger, plain and simple. I lament that she was once a human, only to that extent. But that she got what she deserved, she AKSED for it. I am very happy there are no ugly half-breeds walking around.
You are 100% correct. We've had this discussion before. It's all about parenting. A girl (or boy) raised in the right way, taught self-respect, and told the truth about niggers, will never be a mudshark. It's as simple as that.
I also have to agree with SC above. While this is tragic for the girl's family and friends, it spared the rest of us the further mongrelization of the Human race. A couple months back, I wrote about my experience with mudsharkery and the destruction it brought to the life of my wife's roommate in college. We've all seen it. Hell, we read about everyday in the news...
Master Sergeant
03-29-2019, 11:39 AM
I have mixed feelings on this. I agree with you that she was a girl, and the parents and family members are the ones really hurt, because they are still around. She, on the other hand, is dead.
She was someone's daughter, yes. I lament that she was a beautiful white human girl, BUT, why did she associate herself, or rather, why did she fuck a monkey? Common sense is needed - be called racist if need be, but keep away from the monkeys! Being that she's only 18, I'd give her not half of the blame but 30% of it.
The parents - why did they not teach her not to even associate with monkeys? I know the race mixing agenda has been pushed hard, and even seemingly decent white families now even adopt ugly sprogs. You know the show "What would you do?". It pushes race mixing and portrays nice blond girls with ugly ugly black as can be niggers. The oldies who disapprove - they are portrayed in a bad light.
In the end, while I can say I feel bad this happened to an otherwise nice looking gal, my final verdict is FOR THE WAGES OF SIN IS DEATH. Burning coal made her into a nigger, plain and simple. I lament that she was once a human, only to that extent. But that she got what she deserved, she AKSED for it. I am very happy there are no ugly half-breeds walking around.
It's wrong to mix yourself, a human, with an evil beast. I'm not trying to be religious, but I really believe niggers are not human and were put on this earth as devils to test us. I keep away from them, and tell my loved ones to do the same. Yes sometimes I get looked at weirdly by some relatives but I call a nigger a nigger.
That part of Vegas in actually nice. I have the feeling people are kinda uppity. But when there's niggers around, all bets are off.
I can tell you from past and present exposure to coal burning it's not pleasant. My family was a normal, middle class family and how or why my sister became a burner is a mystery. We weren't raised liberal, no domestic abuse, sexual abuse, no divorces, nothing but a totally normal upbringing. My 85 year old Father still sits in his chair and asks me what he did wrong and is distraught to this day as to what she's become. I know we all revel in watching burners go down at the hands of a buck but behind the scenes there's sometimes a normal white family not hailing from a run down trailer with meth pipes littering the yard that is in shock and did not support such behavior. My sisters only child from a buck, now 38 is a rabid nigger hater, loves heavy metal, bikers etc and has done everything she can do to disown any nigger part of her. She had a beautiful blue eyed blond girl from a white guy and said "well that nigger gene should be just about watered down now".
Midder Peenud Hayed
03-29-2019, 02:29 PM
I can tell you from past and present exposure to coal burning it's not pleasant. My family was a normal, middle class family and how or why my sister became a burner is a mystery. We weren't raised liberal, no domestic abuse, sexual abuse, no divorces, nothing but a totally normal upbringing. My 85 year old Father still sits in his chair and asks me what he did wrong and is distraught to this day as to what she's become. I know we all revel in watching burners go down at the hands of a buck but behind the scenes there's sometimes a normal white family not hailing from a run down trailer with meth pipes littering the yard that is in shock and did not support such behavior. My sisters only child from a buck, now 38 is a rabid nigger hater, loves heavy metal, bikers etc and has done everything she can do to disown any nigger part of her. She had a beautiful blue eyed blond girl from a white guy and said "well that nigger gene should be just about watered down now".
It's not enough to be a "normal [W]hite family". A responsible parent HAS to tell their children the truth about niggers. So many good-hearted folks out there avoid this truth because -- to their credit, they are too kind to broach the subject.
I walk a very fine line. I know the truth about niggers, but I am married to a (Canadian) woman who leans left and is a very gentle soul. We have truly gorgeous blond-haired green-eyed 13 y/o i-twin girls. I have done my due diligence in making sure they know The Truth and am secure in the knowledge that I have done everything I can apart from locking them up (which will happen if I even smell a nigger).
Sadly, as I'm sure you know, sometimes you can do everything right and still face a negative outcome. That's called "life".
But when it comes to my kids -- especially our daughters, I will never accept that...
Master Sergeant
03-29-2019, 02:34 PM
My Father let us know in crystal clear terms that niggers were a plague. We saw it as kids when we'd go near a big city and just seeing their conduct in school was enough for me. My sister on the other hand found their antics, music, cars etc "interesting" as she put it. No amount of parental warnings or training can keep someone from burning. I suppose it's the same thing with kids that grow up to be heroin addicts, criminals or gay. There's just some things that can't be controlled by parents.
My great nieces daughter who's 9 years old told me "the black kids in school smell". Her mother has already trained her to stay away from them. It never hurts to start early.
Midder Peenud Hayed
03-29-2019, 05:32 PM
My Father let us know in crystal clear terms that niggers were a plague. We saw it as kids when we'd go near a big city and just seeing their conduct in school was enough for me. My sister on the other hand found their antics, music, cars etc "interesting" as she put it. No amount of parental warnings or training can keep someone from burning. I suppose it's the same thing with kids that grow up to be heroin addicts, criminals or gay. There's just some things that can't be controlled by parents.
My great nieces daughter who's 9 years old told me "the black kids in school smell". Her mother has already trained her to stay away from them. It never hurts to start early.
Our parents (dad is 2 weeks younger than TRUMP, mom is almost 70) never said anything negative about niggers. The subject almost never came up in our house. My older brother and I were very like-minded (to this day) on the subject, our younger bro' not so much. Dad was "estranged" from our grandfather because the latter was openly "racist". Mom was a hippy chick when dad met her and is to this day :lol
We boys were raised to "get along" with everyone. Dad is a retired career Navy officer. He was always concerned about not making waves. I don't think he ever votes. Mom is a liberal. I love my wife dearly, but the one thing I have always HATED is that she talks to my mom all the time and let's mom get into her head. She voted for fucking Jill Stein in 2016 :mad: She knows how I feel about niggers and deep down knows I'm right, but she's a teacher and simply can't go there...
I never miss an opportunity to inform our kids about niggers (not so much our 2-1/2 y/o -- he's too little). Of course, I worry the most about our girls. They have a lot of their mother in them. I don't worry about our 7-1/2 y/o; when he sees niggers on TV he makes a gun with his fingers and picks them off one by one :lmao I think he learned that from my brother when he was here last summer...
Again, I walk a fine line, but I am quite certain that when our babies leave the nest, they will know the truth about niggers.
Master Sergeant
03-29-2019, 08:26 PM
MPH: All I can do is pray for your kids that they do the right thing. Having a liberal in the woodpile certainly doesn't help the situation at all. Once they leave the nest it's all a coin toss I suppose.
animal mother
03-30-2019, 11:45 AM
Thank God my wife hates niggers as much as I do. Her hatred goes back to her college days when she got screwed out of a dorm room to make way for apefirmative action niggers. One course the niggers never lasted more than one semester, even with liberal pandering professors. Every time they send out an alumni fund raising mailer, she goes bat shit crazy and screams "let the fucking niggers contribute to your commie shithole university".
03-30-2019, 04:27 PM
Everyone has missed one real important point here. The liberal side of society is ramming this shit up the kids asses from day one. I've mentioned before about my niece and the nigger home coming king but look at the kindergarten and grade school curriculum has nigger loving shit all through it. My parents were worried more that I would be a real racist and leave a good body count in my wake. Look at how colleges have indoctrination classes and force the kids to pay for them preaching their kumbaya bullshit. Run Jane run primers should depict a girl running from a nigger and not depicting her at play. Kids are being thrown out of school because they are deemed racist by the ass hats for wearing certain items of clothing. Get in a fight and you're in prison for a hate crime because you hit some fucking nigger. We need to change this left wing propaganda stream in news and entertainment and depict the real life be it holding MAWA, Make America White Again, protests or put a rebel flag sticker over the 2ND Amendment on the back window of every car.
Master Sergeant
03-30-2019, 07:21 PM
Went to buy a picture frame and almost threw up all over them.6577
Master Sergeant
03-30-2019, 07:24 PM
Here's another abomination. Found this gem at Hobby Lobby.
03-30-2019, 07:43 PM
I thought Hobby Lobby was owned by a conservative Christian family. Not conservative enough to put race or actually species mixing in their stores. I've seen this as well.
Zagnut, I'm with you that this bullshit is forced on very young human children indeed. It's very revolting to me to see halfbreed niggers. Problem is some fat and ugly white girls need some kind of companionship, and they don't even care that they offer their precious genes to polluted shitskins. Then those of us who just want normalcy are called hateful and racists.
SC Anemia
03-30-2019, 09:23 PM
Everyone has missed one real important point here. The liberal side of society is ramming this shit up the kids asses from day one. I've mentioned before about my niece and the nigger home coming king but look at the kindergarten and grade school curriculum has nigger loving shit all through it. My parents were worried more that I would be a real racist and leave a good body count in my wake. Look at how colleges have indoctrination classes and force the kids to pay for them preaching their kumbaya bullshit. Run Jane run primers should depict a girl running from a nigger and not depicting her at play. Kids are being thrown out of school because they are deemed racist by the ass hats for wearing certain items of clothing. Get in a fight and you're in prison for a hate crime because you hit some fucking nigger. We need to change this left wing propaganda stream in news and entertainment and depict the real life be it holding MAWA, Make America White Again, protests or put a rebel flag sticker over the 2ND Amendment on the back window of every car.
03-31-2019, 10:43 AM
Run Jane run primers should depict a girl running from a nigger and not depicting her at play.
Jamal and Jill went up the hill, Jamal came down alone...
03-31-2019, 03:04 PM
She was someone's daughter, yes. I lament that she was a beautiful white human girl, BUT, why did she associate herself, or rather, why did she fuck a monkey? Common sense is needed - be called racist if need be, but keep away from the monkeys! Being that she's only 18, I'd give her not half of the blame but 30% of it.
In the wild, some animals are born with lesser survival instincts. Coalburners are simply the civilized human equivalent for not seeing past "They're just like us." I'd probably give her 30% to half the blame, at least half on her parents for not teaching her better.
Sandman Sr. would have sent my sister to boarding school if he ever suspected she had a nigger boyfriend (she didn't, thank God, I'm just saying if she did). He didn't even like that Mexican pendejo who was trying to get his el pene on with my sister and her friends. He'd be called a racist, but he wasn't a white supremacist and wasn't against race mixing, just against his kids wasting their lives with garbage.
Call Me Bwana
04-03-2019, 10:29 AM
The sick bitch deserved it. I could care less how old she was. Ten years or a dozen niggers from now the whore would have shat out a handful of mutant sprogs and further polluted the world. I'm glad she got clicked before that happened.
Sorry Midder Peanut Hayed, I’m with SC Anemia on this one. ALL niggers have that latent ability to chimp out on a human. But, in rare cases where they have evolved to actually act mostly human, they still can produce sprogs that will carry out that violent behavior.
A bat winged nigger is a good nigger, and remember, we should all adhere to the “one drop” rule.
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