View Full Version : At Work Niggershines

03-14-2019, 11:42 PM
At work today I was able to happily piss off two niggers. The first one asked me if I could break a 50 which I could, but when I gave him two 20s he asked me for a 10 and two fives for one of them. I told him we were low on change. "Buh ah needs the tens and the fahvs!" he replied. I reiterated "we are low on change right now." It was the typical "I didn't hear what I want so I argue, try to intimidate, ask for someone else (this one pisses me off the most), and if that doesn't work I try to get under their or play victim." So this fat nigger buck waddles out pissed off bitching that was why he broke the 50 in the first place blah blah blah. The next one was a younger looking buck looking for tobacco, so I ID'd him blah blah blah. No ID. "I gotta see it man" I snapped, because if you don't snap when they pull this shit they start chimping and it gets ugly.

So the highlight of the day began when a niglet walks in. I think nothing of it. Long story short, the niglet was busted stealing. The other manager rung it up to make him pay for it and of course his card declined, so he was told not to come back without his parents. 5 minutes later mammy comes in with him and at first she's playing "How you know mah kid wuz stealing" and then bitching at her kid because he "didn't do nuffin." They ended up not paying for the food he opened and ate in the bathroom stall (probably to get some toilet dip) and as they're walking out I'm hearing her squawk at him and saying "they expecting a little black boy to steal so you do just that, I can't help you if you don't tell the truth, they gunna drag yo ass to jail" blah blah blah, but I'm sure when they left she was yelling at him about not getting caught.

For the record, a nigger was recently fired from this employer for stealing a shit load of money. We had another nigger sow claiming "she deserved to be a manager" but was sent home for screaming on her sail foam on the clock at god knows who, and she never returned. We have two too many fat ass obnoxious sheboons working there now as well. I've heard nothing but complaints about those sows. The nigger turn over there is pretty much one after another, most of them lasting no more than a week or two. Pretty much as soon we started excepting EBT the god damn nigger population flooded it and they're buying a bunch of shit instead of something decent.

Being a cashier for humans makes you lose faith in humanity, but the niggers you deal with are 10 times worse. Luckily I deal with the register on a limited basis. I'm getting close to an unload moment where I go off on a rude ass nigger that's actually a cashier ringing me up somewhere I don't work (I can't escape them unfortunately) and end up getting arrested somehow.

03-15-2019, 04:12 PM
Cashiering with niggers is the worst, I know all too well from when I was young. You have all our sympathy.

SC Anemia
03-15-2019, 07:46 PM
Cashiering with niggers is the worst, I know all too well from when I was young. You have all our sympathy.

I had an interim job many, many moons ago working at a convenience store. Worst. Job. Ever.

My favorite, ​was the greasy, crumpled-up wad of singles they'd drop on the counter. Like I really want to untangle and count that filthy mess. Of course they don't have the good sense or decency to actually hand you the bills but....just try tossing their change on the counter instead of putting in their paw. Fuckin animals.

Nappy Meal
03-16-2019, 10:55 AM
Image where some of that money has been next time a Nigger hands you a sweaty wad of cash. I had a friend who once worked at a liquor store, he had a Tranny Nigger come in for some hooch, when it was time for it to pay, it pulled the money out it's ass crack. Now thats something to think about.

03-16-2019, 11:07 AM
Image where some of that money has been next time a Nigger hands you a sweaty wad of cash. I had a friend who once worked at a liquor store, he had a Tranny Nigger come in for some hooch, when it was time for it to pay, it pulled the money out it's ass crack. Now thats something to think about.

That is not only fucking disgusting buy nasty beyond imagination.

White Orchid
03-16-2019, 12:23 PM
Image where some of that money has been next time a Nigger hands you a sweaty wad of cash. I had a friend who once worked at a liquor store, he had a Tranny Nigger come in for some hooch, when it was time for it to pay, it pulled the money out it's ass crack. Now thats something to think about.


And niggers have nerve to call YT's dirty, nasty, and smelling like wet dog.

03-16-2019, 02:32 PM

And niggers have nerve to call YT's dirty, nasty, and smelling like wet dog.

I'd rather smell like a wet dog 100x over than smell like a worse than shit nigger stench.

03-18-2019, 03:49 PM

White Orchid
03-18-2019, 07:26 PM


Always a classic but also common sense!