View Full Version : Prince Harry plans to raise his mix-a-loid sproglet "Gender-Fluid"

Whitey Ford
03-01-2019, 09:55 PM
Meghan Markle Has Told Friends She Wants to Avoid Gender Stereotypes with Baby Sussex (https://www.vanityfair.com/style/2019/02/meghan-markle-gender-stereotypes-baby-sussex)

But it might not be a case of blue for a boy and pink for a girl according to a source close to the couple. The duchess is understood to have told at least one friend that they want to raise their baby without gender-stereotyping, which means the nursery might not be filled with toy trains and cars if it is a boy. The Sussexes have already planned a gender-neutral nursery and opted for whites and grays over conventional blue and pink color ways, and this seems to be in line with Meghan’s ideas about how to raise children.

“Meghan has been talking to some of her friends about the birth and how she and Harry plan to raise their baby. Her exact word was fluid,” a source told Vanity Fair. “She said they plan to raise their child with a fluid approach to gender and they won’t be imposing any stereotypes.”


Midder Peenud Hayed
03-01-2019, 10:41 PM
I'm convinced that Harry, who hates the Royals because he thinks they played a role in the death of his slut mother, and who might not even be a Windsor (Google "James Hewitt"), married his sheboon just to give the Royal Family yet another F.U.! Prince Philip is known to dislike racial minorities. One must assume that the Queen is O.K. with that sentiment.

Harry's supposed pappy -- aspiring tampon Prince Charles, is reportedly openly-"racist" in private.

This "marriage" is a sham. It won't last. Princess Sheboon will shit out a couple of octoroons, find a reason to go back to the bloody colonies, and get a nice fat check from the Queen's stash.

I give it 5 years...

SC Anemia
03-01-2019, 10:56 PM
She's due to spit out the sprog late April. I'm as anxious as a acne-farm, British school girl waiting for the "royal birf" but for different reasons.

I'm praying it's some recessive gene throw-back, dark continent, spear-chucking, purple-gummed, boot-lipped, knuckle-dragging, nappy-headed, Mississippi field hand looking shitlet.

I hope it's blacker than tar so I can laugh my white ass off. Shit, I can hardly wait. :lol Yessiree, 'ol Liz is gonna be beside herself.

Odin's balls
03-02-2019, 02:21 AM
It is widely thought that the half-boon isn't pregnant at all and the bulge is in fact a moonbump (look it up). It changes shape on a regular basis and you can see the shoulder straps.

Wherever the surrogate is, you can bet that it is blacker than the ace of spades and the butt nugget will be a full on nigger. Just to piss Prince Philip off and score points with all the nigger scum that has invaded this country.

03-02-2019, 04:03 AM
gender-fluid! I was thinking of something that goes in the toilet.