View Full Version : 60% of ALL underage sow niglets molested by nigger BUCKS!

Midder Peenud Hayed
03-01-2019, 04:02 AM
Pedophilia is part of nigger culture, as we all know. As it turns out, at least 60% of all sow niglets are Muh Dikked! by nigger bucks -- usually a relative (of course).

Here's what "woke" nigger media outlet The Root found back in 2011...


03-01-2019, 05:51 AM
I attend a support group for depression, bipolar disorders, PTSD. In a few instances nigger bitches show up. Hard to understand due to monkey babble. But one thing in common: they've been sexually muh-dikked by an uncle or some close relations. I don't talk to them, it's bad enough they mingle with humans.

Buck Simian
03-01-2019, 08:46 AM
But wait, they claim that only YT does that! What gives? Did the niggers lie again?
On a related subject check out my thread on niggers busted on To Catch A Predator, it is rather comical.

SC Anemia
03-01-2019, 11:10 AM
In my old apartment there was a coal burner and her two mutant daughters. The oldest was, I'm guessing 10-11 years old. No curves, no bewbs, nothing. Just an ugly little sprog and kind of androgynous. At first I thought it was a boy.
In the six years I lived there, I'd see it at the tenant playground hanging around with the younger kids, crawling over them, getting in the way in the swings and slide, etc..

Eventually, by the time it was around thirteen or so, the little mini-sow was damn near molesting all the other kids, twerking, playing in the sprinkler shirtless (way too old for that by that age) and other REALLY inappropriate shit.

Me thinks The Root ​might want to re-examine those numbers. While I don't question the muh-dik, I think niggers are just over-sexed, base animals who are driven by their genitals.
Food. Fuck. Sleep. Get high. And in no particular order.

03-01-2019, 12:27 PM
I think niggers are just over-sexed, base animals who are driven by their genitals.
Food. Fuck. Sleep. Get high. And in no particular order.

Nailed It !!!

03-01-2019, 04:48 PM
Can it be called abuse when basically all the niglets wanted it anyway?

Midder Peenud Hayed
03-01-2019, 07:28 PM
It's an absolute certainty that the niglets become hyper-sexual at a very early age. I do agree that much, if not most, of the nigger-on-sprog Muh Dik! is probably consensual.

I also think a lot of the "abuse" comes from the mammies. Remember Rickesha Burns, the nigger sow that shoved a vibrator up its 2 y/o buck niglet's ass and then tried to dig it out with a coat hanger?


I never like to delve too deeply into the psychology of niggers, but there's a reason why the incidence of homosexuality is exponentially higher among niggers than with any other group.

03-01-2019, 08:54 PM
Highest STD, AIDS and bastardization rates

03-01-2019, 09:17 PM
Even Chris Rock laughs about the "molester Uncle".


SC Anemia
03-01-2019, 09:22 PM
Remember Rickesha Burns, the nigger sow that shoved a vibrator up its 2 y/o buck niglet's ass and then tried to dig it out with a coat hanger?

Actually no...till I went to your link. JFC !!!


That nasty sow got 18 years plus lifetime probation. I couldn't find any update and don't give a rip but since that was Maricopa County AZ, it's likely still in a cage where it belongs.

Midder Peenud Hayed
03-01-2019, 09:25 PM
Even Chris Rock laughs about the "molester Uncle".

That's pretty funny, man...

Rock also did a bit about the difference between "black people" and "niggers" back in the day. Not only was it hilarious, it was spot on!

Midder Peenud Hayed
03-01-2019, 09:52 PM
Actually no...till I went to your link. JFC !!!

That nasty sow got 18 years plus lifetime probation. I couldn't find any update and don't give a rip but since that was Maricopa County AZ, it's likely still in a cage where it belongs.


When this story first came out, I smoked through all my registered Topix ID's posting it on the most active nigger forums. For weeks, the niggers would demand the mod's remove my posts. Most of them were, but a few remained until the forums were shut down.

From "precious little" nigger thug Trayboon, to big fat nigger Mikey Brown, and all the other MSM nigger news stories, I pounded the forums with posts about dumb niggers being dumb niggers. That always sent the niggers into a massive group CAT-5. I made a series of threads about Freddie Gray being killed accidentally during a "self-suck" in the back of the police van. It started showing up on Google searches and hordes of chimping niggers :gorilla descended upon the Topix nigger forums :lol

Of all the stories I had the most fun with, Rickesha Burns, its vibrator, and its niglet's asshole made me laugh the most...

I'm pretty sure that the company discontinued the forums (late last year) because of a group of us on the "African-American" forum continuously bashing the thousands of niggers there.

03-01-2019, 09:53 PM

Here's how the black wimminz get the bucks into muh-dikk.

03-01-2019, 09:57 PM
https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=video&cd=2&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0ahUKEwjVibf_rOLgAhVcCDQIHRoDAUYQtwIILTAB&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.dailymotion.com%2Fvideo%2Fxd h2xf&usg=AOvVaw0UKuK2u8UlAJGvkHS5bW4R

They start young.

Midder Peenud Hayed
03-01-2019, 10:12 PM
They start young.

My left-of-center wife is always telling me to be more "open-minded" about niggers even though she's known how I feel since we met 20 years ago. She also happens to be a teacher...

Anyway, when that twerking vid came out a few years ago, I made her watch it. She was truly pissed! I've sent her numerous other vids over the years of dumb ugly niggers being dumb ugly niggers. These days, she almost never says anything about my feelings about niggers.